Can't find good HITs? 12/19

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 19, 2012.

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  1. Tongue73

    Tongue73 User

    I thought it as 600 Per Requester? Like I could do 500 from Crowdflower and 500 from Medcrowd and not have to file?
  2. sikk66

    sikk66 User

  3. If you're trying to avoid the 1099K, they'll only send it out if you reach $600 per requester.
  4. EASY- shop on the computer, expedite shipping- keep workin'
    oh, i'm a fan of chocolate!
  5. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    You are correct.
  6. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    IIRC that's just for each individual requester.
  7. I was talking about this yesterday but these John K hits are the perfect example of low paying HITs that you can do faster by preloading. Get them going in two tabs so that you don’t have to wait for the pics to load to do each HIT, will speed you up a lot.
  8. Jenn27

    Jenn27 User

    Because I like UFOs :)

    Title: Answer an survey about your opinion on UFOs. Takes 1 to 2 minutes.
    Requester: [A2LMXKI2MDWZ31] (TO)
    Description: Please answer 7 questions related to UFO's and why you do or don't believe in them.
    Reward: $0.01
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 0, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  9. zartonis

    zartonis User

    I don't think he hard blocks, I, for example, simply had my qualification taken away the last time we did these.

    He's a pretty good requester and you can make a lot doing his HITs.
  10. Jenn27

    Jenn27 User

    REALLY?! This is amazing news!! I'm glad I said something here (I felt stupid posting it, but knew I might be annoying with penny hits). Awesome. I guess I'll carry on, thank you so much!
  11. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    I haven't gotten any freebies from johnk yet. Did he quit doing that? Cause that was awesome..:(
  12. colive

    colive User

    Though technically you should be filing regardless.
  13. Far as I know that's incorrect. You have to file no matter what, you're an independent contractor and, say for instance, if you make 500 from 20 different requesters, that's 10000 untaxed dollars. Uncle Sam will come looking for you. There's a tax discussion thread around here somewhere, I'll link it when I find it.
  14. aphotic

    aphotic User

  15. Riddik78

    Riddik78 User

    Ugh, well, the computer made my decision for me. Guess I'm going shopping. Mturk will not load for me right now, only site I can't get to load! Oh well, see you all later!
  16. msurvey

    msurvey User

    I am always both disappointed and relieved when CF sentiment HITs cut me off..
  17. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    He is the one that posted in on another forum I read that he hard blocks, JohnK him self said it.
  18. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    Exactly. You don't HAVE to file, but technically, if you get 5 bucks for even mowing a lawn they want you to claim it...
  19. Jenn27

    Jenn27 User

    Ok, I'll check out that discussion. I thought I had read that you only filed anything over $600 but obviously don't want to cause issues with the 'ol Uncle :) My husband has been a 1099 before so he knows how to do all of that. Thanks for all of the input!
  20. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    If you are ever audited, and you did not file, you could be in trouble.
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