Can't Find Good HITs? 12/23

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by dottommytm, Dec 23, 2012.

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  1. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    30 hours into my day about to hit 300 bucks.
  2. ok..just to point it it maybe doesnt happen again....everyone here knows you make the most money..i bet even the lurkers know your name...NO NEED TO SHOW OFF.....and if you are to SHOW the lurkers...
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    i second this
  4. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Haha I dont at all make that much. I got lucky I got a 70 dollars bonus from one of the people I work for on turk. End of year bonus. Those who do nothing but write make way more then I do.
  5. MrRain

    MrRain User

    Central Michigan University has one of the easiest course searches, it's so nice.
  6. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    If you want to see a show off check razorback or what ever his name is. All he is every post is this is how much money I made and this is how much money I will make today.
  7. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

  8. MrRain

    MrRain User

  9. blackpup

    blackpup User

    I finally got the hang of the catalog choice ones , the 3 cent ones, they are really easy and approve within minutes.
  10. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Wow that went quick. Just search SpeechInk you can make about 18 per hour once you get the groove.
  11. your like the Sheldon of this place....if you can catch my reference......anyhow....apparently i havent become a master yet...and neither have 99.9 % of the people if you and the other people that claim to do big numbers..can make youtube videos to see how you pull it off...dont you think we'd be up there too....just sayin...

    (maybe its a lot of writing involved..but ive heard of certain tricks to do multiple hits really mind doesnt comprehend 1000 hits in one day...I CAN BARELY PULL OFF 150)
  12. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Email them they will let you take it again.
  13. srdress

    srdress User

    Even... at this hour... the ellipsis... wow... quoth the raven, nevermore...

    One of these days I'll have the stones to do transcriptions. I did a few CastingWords a while back but they are so picky, or maybe I'm not used to getting actual specific feedback. I do like ClariTrans, since they've got a pretty simple rubric. SpeechInk, hm, worth looking into again, thanks mtnsurf!
  14. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    also take a look at the web site owned by cs, it will give you a ideal if you would be able to write for them.
  15. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    I have tried my hand at transcription, and it is profitable, if you are a fast typer. Unfortunately I have carpal tunnel, so a 4 minute transcription job for me lasts about 30 minutes. My grade is 98 though. Wish I could type faster, maybe I will buy that software program that turns speech into text, "dragon" something.
  16. Ryan Brin...thats all i gotta can i say
  17. buglady

    buglady User

    CrowdSurf has the exact same style guide as Claritrans, and often some of the same materials, but they've got much better TO. Instead of rejecting your work, they just lower your overall qualification score, then if it gets too low you're out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2012
  18. dont..doesnt work...maybe for clear speech like you talking into a professional mic...maybe it can do something...but overall..not good..
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