Can't Find Good HITs? 9/11

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by RWStein, Sep 11, 2012.

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  1. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    I did two.
  2. qig

    qig Member

    I'm not really sure, personally, I wanted to stay on the safe side so I only did one.
  3. The one hour TV word predictability for $8 took me 54 minutes. :)
  4. mikey

    mikey User

    I did 4, and 1 of the groups was shown twice. Oops. I guess I'll see what happens.
  5. mikey

    mikey User

    Do you have a headache or are you seeing spots? LOL.
  6. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Oh I'm scared to say this because I have not read any farther, but I did 4 of them...all that was available to me!

    I guess if we weren't supposed to I will take the 3 rejections! :)
  7. No, but I am taking a break now! Haha
  8. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    For sure. Thanks!
  9. momo

    momo User

    The last few days, Agent Agent has posted HITs that specifically said not to do them if you have ever done a HIT from them before, which I have, so being able to do this one was a nice change. They pay well for so little effort.
  10. That was a little brutal! lol
  11. jlmathis

    jlmathis User

    My requester is Jeremy Skipper. Didn't check the TO because it was recomended by a senior guy here. $8, but it said it would take less than an hour and its been an hour and . Any recs or experiences?
  12. Took me a little over an hour. I had to take a few tiny breaks in the middle, my eyes were playing tricks on me.
  13. jlmathis

    jlmathis User

    how many of the feel what the next word means till you get to the end. When doyou know you are close?
  14. jlmathis

    jlmathis User

    there is not even a completion percentage to let you know. It is like the Energizer bunny. It keeps going and going and going. haha
  15. It took me just over an hour and I too took breaks, on the Jeremy Skipper. I'm pretty sure I'm not a senior member though. It was well worth it. This has been my best Mturk day so far. I'm on day 10 with a total of 20.72. Tomorrow I will hit batches like a crazy woman so I can finally try to reach 1000. Have a great night e1.

    FYI it ends on the hundred thousand dollar question. So the higher the dollar amount the closer you are getting.
  16. I was reading lines from, "Are you smarter than a 5th Grader." So, once my contestant was pretty much done with the game, I knew it was close to the end.
  17. Im so jealous! I'm on day 8 and this is my best day yet, just under $27.00. I can't wait until I have no limit!
  18. jlmathis

    jlmathis User

    I Understood that whole part now they are just naming letters and what do I agree with? Are they looking for something? I have an hour and a half left on it. When is it going to end! haha
  19. Odd, I didn't get that. First I did the tv show then I had some questions about my personality. I will admit near the end I was like, ugh when will this be over and how much talking do these people have to do? But I'm very glad I did it.
    If you're at an hour and a half you should be just about done. Hang in there.
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