Can't Find Great HITs? 12/12

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ChrisM77, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. leelu

    leelu User

    I just got an email from him that he restored my qual! I'm sure he will do the same for you. I don't remember who on this forum told me, but it was confirmed that if you have the qual and do a hit in the qualifying batch it will automatically drop your score down.
    EDIT ~ Caught up on the thread and it was Jenikijen that helped me with this info yesterday! Thanks buddy ^_^
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2012
  2. paulstead

    paulstead User

    The charity they showed me was something that had to do with wine. Needless to say, they got nada.
  3. Their TO looks far to iffy to me. I'll pass...
  4. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    I didn't though. I've done the qualifying batch once. Then my score keeps going up and down. This is the fourth time since october.
  5. Vitalis

    Vitalis Banned

    *rolls eyes* Thank you for putting words in my mouth. I did NOT say do not trust what you read here. Someone specifically said CS never rejects.

    If you read my post, "take it with a grain of salt" and my description of when CS will reject, I think I covered it.
  6. leelu

    leelu User

    But, once it goes up, make sure you only do hits that require the qualification. As soon as you do one of the hits that don't require the qual, they will automatically drop you down again.
  7. tspencer929

    tspencer929 Member

    I am also going to stop working on medcrowd and wait for new batch. Thanks everyone in this forum for all of your help. It is greatly appreciated.
  8. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    well, from a larger perspective, as broke as we are we're probably never in as bad a situation as those receiving our donations...

    what i hate more is "write about a time you..." and THEN, to make it 1000000 times worse "write about your feelings about this AGAIN". computer, meet window... i swear nothing on mturk makes me more enraged than having to write about 'my feelings about some past event'. grrrrrrr...
  9. LOL... I came across a survey question that asks if I would try Monkey Meat... That put an odd kind of spin on my morning.
  10. amoreno

    amoreno User

    well i was in my medcrowd groove till the baby woke up!
    Morning all wheres the Martini shaker?!
  11. kyina69

    kyina69 User

    We have noticed possible irregular activities with your account.
    Worker Account Halted for 5 minutes

    STUPID, STUPID CAPTCHA...I was on a roll. Completely disrupted my day.
  12. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i would think that taking something with a grain of salt would definitely mean impacting how useful someone considers that 'something', but for me personally, i really have to start taking what you say with a grain of salt...
  13. paulstead

    paulstead User

  14. Vitalis

    Vitalis Banned

    I usually ignore yours as well.
    Welcome to the hate vitalis clique.
  15. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    It's too early to be fighting
  16. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    LOL!!! those questions always get me. the thing about it for me is, i usually donate it all and then feel guilty about that (i think everything makes me feel guilty) because i think they'll think i'm just doing that because i know it isnt real. so then i just donate half
  17. MandyB

    MandyB User

    I'm with you!!!

    I've never hit a 100 but I'll go for it :)

    Good morning everybody! Hopefully some good batches today :)
  18. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    Just got all excited because I got a new email, thinking it was Mark telling me he updated my qual.

    Instead it was just my stupid professor telling me my review sheet looked good -_-
  19. One should take just about everything anyone says with a "grain of salt" when there is no empirical evidence. That's a good way to stay out of trouble.

    You both have valid points.

    Now onto something more interesting....Where's RUBIN?????
  20. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    So, is anyone (with the qual) still working on MedCrowd's hits?
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