Can't Find Great HITS? Monday 7/30: Georgia Tech > U[sic]GA MONDAY

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by lashonda, Jul 29, 2013.

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  1. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Just got a dollar bonus from the ICEA CAM lab :)
  2. Yes, yes everyone go to bed. You are so tired, you need sleep.
  3. tiffanys

    tiffanys User

    To quit and wake up tomorrow and turk early or stay up and get the end o these hits tonight.

    decisions, decisions
  4. Well, I had taken a dozen or so online courses in my undergrad and thought it would be ezpz. I knew a handful of people that had completed the program I applied to and was told that it wasn't that difficult. I'm just inherently lazy and when you're not working or leaving your house to go to school depression tends to creep in which leads to no productivity and it's just a sad downward spiral from there. So yeah, do not recommend unless you have lots of reasons to go outside :p
  5. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I'm at 188.78 for the day and about to go till I hit $200 without stopping if my wrists don't go out on me and if I can get there before 3AM. See yall at 3!
  6. How is it that they pay .05 to type out a multi-hundred character list?
  7. jekjek

    jekjek Banned

    my exact situation, thought it'd be a cute idea to take 4 classes online this summer
    Started out well til I found out about Mturk, now I'm barely turning in my assignments on time
  8. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Pssh, we going to finish these bad boys up TONIGHT.
  9. zingy

    zingy Guest

  10. I'm working at barely half speed at this point, but I want to keep working on stuff.
  11. $150 for the day? SERIOUSLY!? lol what did you do all day.
  12. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    There's only 6K left. STAY AND WORK!! I don't want everyone to go to bed. Then I'm in here talking to myself like the other night. :eek:
  13. tewuj

    tewuj User

    I actually just finished a good year of school online with a 3.98 gpa overall. I would only recommend it to people who have a lotttt of time and patience and don't like going outside honestly. Online coursework is hard enough to force yourself to do. I don't know if I would have been able to do it if I had other things I wanted to do.
  14. 188.78 for the day?! Let me guess them master survey's helped out a lot with that one xD
  15. tiffanys

    tiffanys User

    Lol, I have a job that makes me go out of the house now and I still rarely do, so that would lead to horrible outcomes probably.
  16. zingy

    zingy Guest

    we all played video games and talked on the forum of course
  17. Do it! Good luck! I wanna see you hit $200 that would be so awesome.

    Anywhoser, I'm off, gots to pick up my man from work. I'm going to miss you FE, I know you'll be gone when I get home.
  18. HITmonster

    HITmonster User

    Jesus. I've been going at it all day on and off, and I'm barely at $45.
  19. Damn I got to start playing my Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart, and Mario 64 Emulator then o_O
  20. bribri287

    bribri287 User

    352 pending hits between food essentials and totw. I'm a tad bit nervous
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