Classify LinkedIn Profile - Crowdflower - .10

Discussion in 'General' started by jtech9, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    Anyone have experience with this particular hit? I've done about 40 this morning.
  2. Yep...Done tht in tons a few months back...May be some 400 in total...all approved as Crowdflower usually does

    Baduck for me this time the task asks for a qualification of " Location is not India "
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2012
  3. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    They mention that since there is no limit, the moderation is a bit more strict. Do you know to what extent? When I started doing them, I'm pretty sure my eyes looked like crack head eyes. Bulgy and gross. I didn't want to make a mistake, so I scanned each profile a trillion times. /end exaggerating
  4. Crowdflower is not big on rejecting- For most of their HITS- they immediately let you know when you are wrong while you are on the HIT and your percentage rating for that HIT will go down- Then it will go back up as you get more right- You can't work on that HIT anymore if you get below 70% accuracy I believe. If you haven't got told you got one wrong yet you're doing good.
  5. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    Okay, good. My accuracy is 94% Of course I'd screw up at 4am. Once. :p
  6. Ah they have majority rules, so sometimes you are not even wrong- It was the other 2 people who were. So even if you are right you will get hit with saying you are wrong but they still pay you for the HIT- You can't win sometimes with crowdflower. 94% accuracy on that HIT is great.
  7. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    Really? That's fantastic news especially considering I thought I was blowing it. :eek:
  8. Heck no :) All of us usually get told we are wrong many times on Crowdflower HITS even when we aren't :/ It's because of the majority rules thing. So if you have people just randomly clicking or people who are scammers, or putting fake stuff in etc etc- You will get flagged as wrong if your answer doesn't match up.
    Sometimes someone is really wrong but not often. We all usually hover around 80 something to 90 something for crowdflower tasks on accuracy- It only counts for that certain task though- You are doing great to be at 94. No worries!

    They want 70% accuracy and above- You can sign up for their website and earn badges etc. Website link is on their HITS in the upper right hand corner.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2012
  9. Scanning thru profiles aint a bad idea but it will cost u time...I was frankly skimming thru the whole thing for repetitive items to mark em deceptive/abusive..As a general rule try to be as good as u can coz the more u go well with accuracy the safer it will keep u within thei min. accuracy level incase u get wrong or rather wen they say u r wrong..

    I was a bit slow in the beginning but with time i caught up with the idea and finished one HIT in less than a minute
    Goodluck :)
  10. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    Bad news bears. Tried going back to the batch and got this:

    "Sorry - you cannot work on this task

    The author of this task has flagged your work as being unsatisfactory. If you believe your work was wrongly flagged please contact us using the "Send Feedback" link in the upper right hand corner.

    You can find more of our tasks by searching for "crowdflower" on Mechanical Turk."

    My accuracy is, yes, 94%
    I guess I was blowing it.
    Will those HITs be denied? What does flagged mean? #@#%$
  11. No they won't be rejected. So sorry! Crowd flower does this sometimes. Don't feel too bad about it. Usually we all get capped at some point on tasks, although I know this is different. I would click send feedback. Crowdflower is not known for rejections or blocks- You weren't blowing it if your accuracy was at 94%.
    Contact them and see what's going on. I have no idea if they respond back or not. It could just be a rogue client of theirs. If they think you are doing things too fast etc.

    It just means you can't work on anymore of those since they found something wrong. Some people get stopped at 2 Hits, 20 etc at 100% accuracy and others at 70 can go to 100 HITS- It is just how crowdflower is- Unreliably reliable. Email them.

    Don't worry you won't get rejects.

  12. Athena

    Athena User

    Crowdflower does that MUCH of the time.
    No matter how careful you are, with a lot of tasks, you'll eventually get kicked out.

    On the bright side, they still won't reject you.

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