Finding Great HITs 08/09 Fraternal Fraternal Funky Friday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Aug 9, 2019.

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  1. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Title: Face Ratings | Accept
    Requester: Bubbles [A1408XN7LM2JGT] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$null] [Pay=Unrated] [Approval=1-3 days] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0]
    TO: [Pay=0.00] [Fast=0.00] [Comm=0.00] [Fair=0.00] [Reviews=1] [ToS=0]
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 6.00
    Duration: 2:00:00
    Available: 1
    Description: Rate different faces for different traits (~ 30 minutes without breaks). This will need an uninterrupted block of time and for you to carefully pay attention.
    Qualifications: FaceRating DoesNotExist ; Masters Exists ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 95; Location EqualTo US
    schlep likes this.
  2. tone17

    tone17 User

    I usually copy and paste the instructions to a notepad or something in case I need to double check something. What I hate is that that hit did not tell me how big my bonus was. Next week I will get a happy suprise and not remember what it was for.
    jenni3kat likes this.
  3. schlep

    schlep User

    I was just about to post this. I'm hoping that it isn't as bad as it looks.
  4. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I can't stand rating faces. Any HITs that involves judging a person solely based on their looks. :ugh:
    Markb, schlep and Seeker Vayne like this.
  5. Title: Reflecting on past experiences (30-45 min) | PANDA
    Requester: MSPS Ethics & Wellbeing Hub [AN66QHN3UINU0] (Req TV): $16.75/hr/hr
    (TO): [Pay: 2.67] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 0.00] [Fast: 5.00]
    Reflect on an emotional event and answer questions about your thoughts and feelings (30-45 minutes)
    Time: 2 hour(s)
    HITs Available: 11
    Reward: $7.50
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThan 100; AmaniPilot DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 90; Location EqualTo US;
  6. :eyes:
    Flora likes this.
  7. schlep

    schlep User

    It's not too awful. Still I'm only 2/7 of the way through

    edit. Math ain't my strong point. I was half way through when I posted. 33 minutes taking a couple of short breaks. if i get the $3 bonus, it'll really be worth it.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2019
    Flora likes this.
  8. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Hope so. Looks like most people got the $3 bonus from the others that have taken it. :fingerscrossed:
    schlep likes this.
  9. Paleface

    Paleface User

    Not all the bonuses are happy surprises :(

    Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    You've received a bonus from The Wharton School for work related to 366FYU4PTGPRGNSNUHC40AM5TE7EK0.
    The value of your bonus is: $0.04 USD

    The Requester included this note:
    Thank you for your careful work on our HIT.

    tone17 and jenni3kat like this.
  10. tscreener

    tscreener User

    I'm right there with you sister [​IMG]
    jenni3kat likes this.
  11. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    Mind Dagger and tscreener like this.
  12. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

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