Finding Great HITs 12/05 Sanctimonious Sexy Spooky Saturday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Dec 5, 2020.

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  1. Tjbot

    Tjbot Thread Starter Extraordinaire

    This thread is a placeholder!
    What is this?

    I am Tjbot! I'm a solution devised by the genious mods to prevent there ever being a day that hit threads aren't posted! The whole point of my existence is to post a hit thread if one doesn't exist by 12:08am PST. If you see this post, assume that this one is the main post. One of the mod team will clean up existing posts and consolidate once they wake up and get online. As my name indicates, I am a bot. I don't post, nor do I respond to PM's. If you have any problems, send an email to or PM Tjololo, he can help out with any issues.
    Want to make tomorrow's thread? Just go for it!
  2. 8 minutes going slow.

    Title: Mortgage Product Survey | Accept
    Requester: MSBA Team 05 [ADF0Y4627M2UO] Contact
    TV: No Reviews
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 1.00
    Duration: 1:00:00
    Available: 1
    Description: We are conducting an academic survey on mortgages and what preferences consumers value most. We greatly appreciate your input.
    Qualifications: Masters Exists ; Location EqualTo US
    tara808 and Flora like this.
  3. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Time varies on this one
    Title: Survey about a task(~ 5 minutes) | Accept
    Requester: Nadav Klien [A370HLFITA2L7K] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$14.92] [Pay=Good] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0]
    TO: [Pay=3.02] [Fast=4.73] [Comm=4.33] [Fair=4.74] [Reviews=98] [ToS=0]
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 0.55
    Duration: 20:00
    Available: 34
    Description: In this survey, you will be asked to do a task and be asked a few questions.
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 1000; Exc: [1115297958-262034] DoesNotExist ; CR Research Group #2 DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 90
    rscaper1070 likes this.
  4. Only 2 posts

    Flora likes this.
  5. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    7 min
    Title: The effects of COVID-19 guidelines/orders on social and behavioral health | Accept
    Requester: Justin Keeler [A37E057GFOFKNU] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$31.06] [Pay=Generous] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0]
    TO: [Pay=5.00] [Fast=5.00] [Comm=2.00] [Fair=4.75] [Reviews=12] [ToS=0]
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 1.00
    Duration: 1:00:00
    Available: 1
    Description: We are gathering data to understand how people respond to social/physical distancing, self-isolation/quarantine, and prevention guidelines as part of public health policy by governmental bodies. Research is not clear on social compliance.
    Qualifications: Masters Exists ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 98; Location EqualTo US
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
    tara808 likes this.
  6. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    tara808 likes this.
  7. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Some of the Questions are ridiculous.
    Title: Religious Orientation and Sexual Behaviors | Accept
    Requester: Edmond J. Coleman [A2SS5KOJPUWASW] Contact
    TV: No Reviews
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 5.00
    Duration: 2:00:00
    Available: 1
    Description: The goal of this study is to explore the associations between religious orientation and sexual behavior, specifically in difficulties with excessive and out-of-control sexual behaviors.
    Qualifications: Masters Exists ; took_religiosity DoesNotExist ; Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 1000; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 98; Location EqualTo US
  8. :church:
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