Is There a punishment for abandoning Hits you Can't Clearly See?

Discussion in 'General' started by sunnymarie, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. sunnymarie

    sunnymarie User

    I have abandoned some of Oscar Smith's Hits because some of the business cards you can't hardly read them, and have returned some. How does that work? I realize that my rate has gone down. I had 100% then it went down to 86 and today I have 84. I have worked for days for CrowdSource and he has never rejected me. Within minutes I see the money approved. The same with Oscar Smith but although he may seem forgiving it has affected my rate. I did a Hit for some postcard and since I couldn't read the year I got rejected. That was my only rejection. I will not do that one ever again. I hear there is more money in the surveys. I have done some. Most of the requesters pay very little but what is your advise about the percentage rate? I am most concerned with that. I am a secretary/administrative assistant and to me is important to do decent work. Thanks, sunnymarie
  2. wahmbrenda

    wahmbrenda User

    I may be wrong but it's my understanding that your score with him will go down.
  3. sunnymarie

    sunnymarie User

    Hi wahmbrenda: who will reduce my score? CrowdSource or Oscar Smith? Thanks

  4. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    She mean't your score with Oscar Smith. The score varies. You can see your score when you accept the hit.
  5. FullWolfMoon

    FullWolfMoon Member

    I think you're right. I have some trouble with his when I do them because it isn't always clear. Like when there are multiple names yet only one place to put them and such. Is it considered abandoning when you return a HIT? Or is it only when you stop working on it and let the time run out? I never just stop working on them, but I have returned some for similar reasons, such as unable to read, or not able to do it accurately enough. My rating with him seems to drop easily. But I must not be very good at his HITS even though they seem so simple. Makes me feel stupid.
  6. sunnymarie

    sunnymarie User

    Thanks for your help on this. I see my score when I am accepting hits or I usually go check my account and see how I am doing. I have 84% rate and an average of 97.9. I have abandoned hits I can't clearly see. No the ones for Oscar Smith I usually do them within 1-1/2 to 2 minutes. I type all day at work and I have been a secretary/admin assist for quite some time. Don't worry about Oscar. I have heard that he is very forgiving, and don't feel stupid. You know we do these hits some will be good others not. Try your best and don't worry about it. Just keep going and keep looking forward. Some hits I would like to work on I can't because I don't have 1,000 so I guess it's just a matter of time. Thanks for your comments.

  7. Danthony

    Danthony User


    Screw them. Bad requester stay away from them
  8. Taking this in regard I sent a mail to Oscar.
    and I got the reply like this
    So returning the HITs do effect the quality score. So if you encounter any unreadable 'field' ( for eg: phonee number, name, city name etc. Then please put unreadable in that field.
  9. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    Returning is not abandon. Returning is better than abandoning hits.

    The 84% you speak of is Oscar's. It has no bearing on your turk account.
  10. goodtaste

    goodtaste Member

    Hi, I have been working for the Oscar Project also and have gotten cards that were so blurry, it was impossible to type the information and have returned the hits. I did not know you could write "unreadable" in them. I'm glad to have read this thread. I have noticed that my score went from 100% to 81 after returning a number of cards. I even got one that only had the thumb of a man in the photo and the blurry end of a card! Thank you for the information, this is a learning curve!
  11. FullWolfMoon

    FullWolfMoon Member

    Okay, thank you! :)
  12. sunnymarie

    sunnymarie User

    Hello friends: Thank you so much for the replies. I should have asked the question the next day I started doing hits because I returned 26 and abandoned 18 but I thank each one of you and Riaz thanks so much for your response. I learned the lesson. Have a great evening and a nice Tuesday. sunnymarie
  13. Sure goodtaste, I have a constant contact with Oscar..., so I can help here who are the fan of Oscar HITs. See a mail to him and what I got as reply...

    I sent this email

    and I got this as reply
  14. Surely it's my pleasure... now I consider more importance to helping anyone more than earning $$$$ so that GOD should help me more... :) right?

    For more OScar doubts here --->
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2012
  15. CardCow

    CardCow New Member

    What's your problem Danthony? As far as I can tell you've never done any work for us. We have something like a 99.9% approval rate, and lots of happy workers. Just because you can't take the time to properly do the qualification test doesn't make us a "Bad Requester".
  16. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Pot, meet kettle.

    Those penny hits are only worth it if they're ineligible. The others don't even pay as much as Oscar Smith's trusted workers and there's more work to do and it doesn't all fit on the computer screen. Scroll, read, type, scroll, read, type/check box. That's all fine and good but you're coming in here like he's a bad guy when he's trying to watch out for someone. And it was on April Fool's Day so you never know :D
  17. CardCow

    CardCow New Member

    Not sure who this Oscar Smith guy is or why that's relevant, but calling someone a bad requester without having anything to back it up with, or ever having done work for them is not watching out for anyone, it's slander.
  18. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    He's done your work according to your first post in the forum.

    Just because you disagree with someone's opinion doesn't mean they're wrong. You could've come in months ago and maybe been able to have a reasonable discussion with the guy. Oh wait, you did.

    And it wouldn't be slander, it would be libel. Slander is spoken, libel is written.

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