NetMsi porn hits up

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by footballchick29, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Says I'm not qualified to view those HITs. How can I get qualified?
  2. You need the Adult Content Qualification and 95%. Just do a search for 'adult' in the qualifications tab.
  3. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    How many of these can/do you guys usually do of these?
  4. I usually don't do very much. Depends on the context to be honest. There's only so many shemale pics I can stand before my eyes need a break LOL I know there are people who crank out 100s and more power to 'em.
  5. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    I got through about 50 of them. I agree, my eyes needed a break. :)
  6. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    I'm 180 in, need about a 20 minute break x___x lol.
  7. :eek:

  8. dsm_dolouz

    dsm_dolouz User

    LOL! ..and I thought this was a joke topic. :D
  9. I've done just 190 of these hits.But i want to do more :d
  10. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Same here, I'm gonna try to do 400-500.
  11. Me to but it's hard for my eyex X_X. i go smoke like every hour
  12. primo8998

    primo8998 Member

    My eyes hurt too. Been fapping every hour or so.:eek:


    Did around fifty that is enough for me for now.
  13. Ryberg

    Ryberg User


    300 down, gonna try to do 200 more.
  14. I can never do more than a handful. They kind of depress me. But I know of people with a knack for coining euphemisms (my eternal favorite? groin gravy) who get a kick out of them.

    But even with that kind of talent, 300 seems like an enormous achievement. I'm awed, Sir.
  15. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Wow, have some pun intended...hahahaha

    I have done 150 and am taking a break!
  16. schlep

    schlep User

    I've done about 30. It's hard to do the BDSM Hits when half the words I use to describe it are blacklisted.
  17. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    450 done, 50 to go. I'm burnt out AF xD lol.
  18. I did 102 couldn't handle anymore lol

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