Redwood Error Message

Discussion in 'General' started by genie86333, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. genie86333

    genie86333 User

    Hi, everyone.

    Every time I click on a redwood hit, I get the following message: "This webpage is not available. The webpage at ... (link)... might be temporarily down or it may have been moved to a new address. Error 501"

    This has been happening for over a week...any ideas?
  2. Not going to repeat myself thirty times. This same question has been asked at a very minimum of 10 times.

  3. ssamcd

    ssamcd User

  4. genie86333

    genie86333 User

    Thanks for the help ssamcd. I did figure out it's the certificate. Now to figure out a way around it.

    Razorbacks0121 - for the record, i *did* search & didn't find anything. Maybe I didn't search the right place, sorry. Nice way to welcome a newbie. Thanks SO much for your help.
  5. bayonjoset

    bayonjoset User

    :) I like that, and by the way welcome to THE forum friend.
    Wish You a good turking day..... :)
  6. ExplicitD

    ExplicitD Member

    So is this the typical kind of help us newbs can expect on this forum? Nobody's holding a gun to your head to answer anyone's questions. If you don't want to answer, then don't, simple as that.

    I don't mean to offend anyone but this is a pretty big turn off. Or were you just having a bad day?

    Nice way to welcome a newbie and represent the forum.

    You could have just said "do a search, the answer is out there"
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2012
  7. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    The issue at hand is that this question had been asked many, many times over the past few days, and there was a massive collection of threads, all asking the same thing.

    It's nothing personal, just a matter of annoyance. The first few pages of threads all have the answer on them, so seeing it posted again ticked some people off.

    Welcome to the forum by the way!
  8. ExplicitD

    ExplicitD Member

    I know, I deal with the same thing on other forums not related to mturk. Difference is I'm alot nicer about it and understand that maybe someone new doesn't realize that it's been asked many times already. Sorry if I came across like a dick, but it's not cool for someone new to come on here and see a response like that. Thanks for the welcome.
  9. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Hey, no hard feelings! I can see both sides of the argument. We were all new and figuring out the layout at one point.

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