Remembering The 90"s 3/22 Throwback Tuesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by D1G1TALFOX, Mar 22, 2016.


Where do you turk the most?

  1. Home

    87 vote(s)
  2. Work

    7 vote(s)
  3. Other

    2 vote(s)
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    D1G1TALFOX Banned


    D1G1TALFOX Banned

  3. This happens occasionally with a few hits

    Dunno why
  4. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I get that once in a great while even on the mturk pages. There'll be one or two that I don't qualify for showing up out of the blue. Refresh it and then it disappears.

    D1G1TALFOX Banned

    Was just wondering if your gonna be up maybe we could be treated to a new thread from
  6. myopia

    myopia User

    Yep, the fault it definitely mturk sending things I don't qualify for. MTurk definitely knows I don't qualify, says so right there. Seems to happen most often with the turkprime and the exclusion quals. I guess because it is a different hit group each time they go up, and mturk takes a bit to catch up or something.

    It has always just struck me as odd that both scraper and TM just pass them right along (again carefully marking them as not qualified) instead of just silently skipping them.
  7. will someone buy me the iPhone SE 64gb

    I don't need a new phone I just want one
  8. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I'll see if I'm still up by then. I never know until the time comes.
  9. SunnyDays

    SunnyDays Banned

    Tapping out at $78.55 :( really wanted to get the hundo on a meh day but it really just died a hard death tonight. Luck to all and enjoy the rest of your evening !
  10. No.
  11. zingy

    zingy User

  12. iPhone made it to market before Android so there are more iOS exclusives than Android exclusives for games at least
  13. zingy

    zingy User

    I noticed some games come out first for iOS than later on get ported to android. Overall though, Android > iphone
  14. SunnyDays

    SunnyDays Banned

    Atari > Anything... the end
  15. WereAllDudes

    WereAllDudes Banned

    does rainerland always load this slow?
  16. WereAllDudes

    WereAllDudes Banned

    blackberry is really where its at
  17. SunnyDays

    SunnyDays Banned

    I was leaning towards Tracfone but yeah Blackberry has it !
  18. WereAllDudes

    WereAllDudes Banned

    "Noun project hit took about 20-30 seconds, paid $0.03, same day approval. Did 6 and all were approved. "

    Clearly doesntmake shit turking
  19. myopia

    myopia User

    But they got paid on the SAME DAY!!!

    It's like those surveys, "would you prefer $100 today or $1700 next week?"
  20. SunnyDays

    SunnyDays Banned

    I would do one of those for free just to help science.
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