SMR Requestor: Technology Related HITs

Discussion in 'General' started by Social Media Research, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Yeah I never got a reply.

    Even if they aren't a troll they may have decided to just go get workers from there.
  2. moonwalker

    moonwalker User

    He stated in another post that he has been active in the TN for long time and wants to see how is it here. I think he got a warning from sgirl for getting workers from here. :p
  3. She's not a troll, she really is a requester, and I don't think she got a warning since sg doesn't control who works for which requester and how they go about getting their workers. I'm not sure why she never issued quals to some of the people here, though.
  4. same for my case. No replies yet. bad luck
  5. PhobicTurk

    PhobicTurk User

    I'm probably missing out on some good paying HITs by doing this, but generally I'm wary of requesters who want emails or PMs.

    I figure, why not just post a qualification test, then come to a forum and introduce themselves and give a link to the test?

    I have done it once or twice in the past, but neither times panned out to anything.
  6. +1, yeah you are very much right. Qualification test get good turkers, that's a great way.
  7. nobody

    nobody User

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2012
  8. nobody

    nobody User

    Out of curiosity, what can someone do with your worker ID?
  9. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    They can

    1) Block you from their hits
    2) Assign you a qualification
  10. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Heads up guys, I just banned this user for trolling our members. I hope you realize/noticed that i'm really lenient with bans. I don't want to ever ban ANYONE, but she was just trolling/wasting your time. Basically, she was scoping out "quality folks" from the forum and teling them to move over to TN to discuss more info on her hits. If she is legit, why does she ask our members to move there? Why can't she deal with them here? As such, user banned.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  11. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    and unbanned? Just curious. Got a message today.
  12. Yes, thanks to Andy. I reached out to him privately to apologize for what happened a few months back.

    I want to apologize to you all as well for not answering a bunch of the emails I received - it was rude and I am sorry! I do want to continue my communication with everyone here on this forum, and also have the opportunity to share any HITs I post that anyone may be interested in.

    Forgive me!? :)
  13. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    As long as things are on the up-and-up. The forum's seen its fair share of trollers so it may be best to make sure you communicate openly (in threads) so there's some transparency. Not saying to give qualification answers here, but to answer questions publicly instead of through PM. That way everyone can be working with the same information and talk to each other about it....

    Because they'll probably talk about it anyways but this way you're a part of the conversation.
  14. Sounds like a plan!
  15. CrankyOwl

    CrankyOwl User

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I can't find these HITS by searching for either Social Media Research or SMR. Do you have to be a programmer or database wonk to do these?
  16. Madhur

    Madhur User

    I want to do social media research Hit's..does it needs any qualification ?

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