The New John Gaddy Thread

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by lphillips1, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. lphillips1

    lphillips1 Banned

    Hey gang,

    Take on some of the John Gaddy hits. He pays $1 for 150 words of content and the guy is a very nice requestor. Generally, it only takes about 3-5 minutes to write a Gaddy hit that is of decent quality. He pays fast, almost like a day labor company, so i would highly recommend you check the hits out. Right now, there are about 8000, and he very seldom rejects. Go GET EM.....!!!!!

    Good luck.
  2. I rated too low on the Grammar test I took a while back.
    I am ruled out as a candidate for his jobs due to that.
  3. rainbow

    rainbow Member

    John Gaddy Grammar Test

    The same happened to me on the grammar test of John Gaddy. My grammar test score is 30. To work on his HITs, the minimum score required is 40.

    I have requested him to allow me to take the grammar test again. He has not replied. Also it is mentioned in the website that the grammar test cannot be retaken. So I am not able to work on his HITs.

    Anybody got suggestion on how to resolve this issue ?
  4. If it is telling that no more retake for the tests, then the only hope is to send a request to the requester, but if he is not replying then forget it.
  5. Has anyone ever received a reply from him? If so, and you still have the e-mail address, can you PLEASE PM it to me? I need to get in contact with him.
  6. lphillips1

    lphillips1 Banned

    I wish I had never posted here, this has got to be the biggest waste of fricking time. Man, this forum fricking sucks, I wanna go home!!!!!!!
  7. Excuse me?
  8. Danthony

    Danthony User

    Thanks Mr. Gaddy
    We will be sure to check out your hits
    Right after I unblock you for wasting my time when I do searches for HITs that pay better
  9. carebear

    carebear Guest

    Geez you'll do anything to push that Gaddy dude - did ya think I wouldn't find you? Hello luf :)
  10. lphillips1

    lphillips1 Banned

    Hello there young lady, I had a feeling you might find me. Yup, even on this forum I push the Gaddy hits. In my nature to help out I guess. Hope you are doing OK and all is well. Miss ya

    Take care.
  11. carebear

    carebear Guest

    I was so annoyed at you getting yourself banned I've now taken to rejecting every Gaddy hit with your name in it - luckily they don't write about you often :p

    Miss ya too - will keep an eye on you through here, don't need you blowing up yet another forum :D :D
  12. shanmy

    shanmy New Member

    Anybody know if it's okay to use first person in Gaddy hits?
  13. carebear

    carebear Guest

    First person is fine, I do mine that way all the time.
  14. Sayantan

    Sayantan User

    Gaddy is great. I did a hit to know the depth of the river. He rejected it & mail me that to correct my mistake and & resubmit it. He gave me the link where I did the corrections need...know lets c..
  15. maeby

    maeby New Member

    Does anyone know if Gaddy limits his HITs? I just started turking again and I am banging these out, but I keep getting worried that there is some cap I don't know of and my revenue will get cut off.
  16. shawniepea

    shawniepea New Member

    Forget John Gabby!!!!

    I scored 40 on his grammar test. I tested the waters and completed one hit for him. He rejected it. LOL!!! It's purely a trap. Glad I only completed one.
  17. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    My grammar score is 30. I contacted him for a retest. He never replied. I hope he sees this (BTW. ain't the thread starter the requester John Gaddy?). I really want one more shot at the grammar test:(
  18. dagrrl

    dagrrl New Member

    I just did my first three Gaddy hits yesterday and they were all approved. Now that they're gone I'm wishing I'd have found them sooner!
  19. Shego

    Shego User

    Never heard of him and I turk all day....weird.
  20. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    I got a 40 on his grammar test, but I don’t care for writing filler web content for cookie cutter sites.

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