Top-Tier Writing Qualification Test - $8 Bonus Opportunity

Discussion in 'CrowdSource' started by Khalinov, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

  2. phunk

    phunk User

    I did this about 11 days ago and haven't heard anything back. Does anyone know their average turn around on this HIT?
  3. glitter

    glitter Active Member

    I've posted this before:

    "In my case, I submitted my test on 10/16 and I got an email on 10/18 saying that I passed the first editor check and received a bonus.

    It wasn't explicitly stated that I earned the Top Tier qual until a generic qualification email from Amazon on 10/25. That same day, I got a longer letter from CrowdSource explaining the Top Tier qual."

    This was also back when the test HIT paid $2 and you received the $8 as a bonus (now, the HIT pays nothing and you receive $10 if you pass).

    By poking around on mturk and looking at the number of grading HITs compared to the number of people qualified to do them, it looks like there are 80 writing samples to be graded and 39 people with the qual.

    Based on what I know from doing Content Grading, some articles need to go through a few rounds of grading and CS appreciates it if you leave detailed feedback for both the editor and the writer. I wouldn't be surprised if the process takes longer to approve new writers for Top Tier.

    This morning, I got a bcc from CS about content grading, so it looks like I'm not the only one who's been having issues with grading, and that might affect grading writing samples, too. Unless I am just really terrible at grading. :(

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