Where Dem HITs At? 12/17 Sublime Stiff Square Sunday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Dec 17, 2017.

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  1. parro

    parro User

    I've posted an issue in the Worker thread, so I can find the reply later.
  2. tscreener

    tscreener User

    Didn't see if your question was answered, so I'll take a stab at it. There are a few ways to set a panda, but you can't do it from the url, it just redirects to a worthless link. You can use Panda Crazy by grabbing the 'accept' link (not opening up the url just copy the 'accept' link) and 'add a job' on PC with that link. You can also do that on catcher. You can get a panda off of TM but it's a bit more involved, so let me know if that is something you use.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2017
  3. I tried to do 4 HITs yesterday. One that is an in window batch that has never been an issue before didn't work, two let me accept it before saying I lacked the qual and I had to return them, one was a 10 cent HIT that the qualtrics said "up to 45 minutes" because you can't see anything going in.

    I'm really at a loss. They've boastfully not cared about this portion of their income sources since forever, forcing something nobody wants on people seems dumb both in investing time into creating it and in pissing people off that were fine with how it was. Everybody hates news things online but I have yet to see one single benefit to this bullshit, from the worker or requester side
  4. tscreener

    tscreener User

    You can get back to your old dashboard with this link. Hopefully the info will be there.

    Unfortunately it will no longer update, so you'll still need your calculator.

    ::gets sent back to Turkotron 24k and punches somebody else's dog::
  6. parro

    parro User

    Someone at MTCrowd gave me a little script to show Chrome visited links in red. In Firefox, I've always had them in red or orange. by adding something to the css. That's VISITED links, not necessarily completed hits. If anyone wants them, PM me.
  7. parro

    parro User

    It's working somewhat, but the old Projected Earnings no longer works on it. So it doesn't really add anything over the new dash.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2017
  8. parro

    parro User

    I think the script writers are going to fix a lot of things. Think of how much work they put into the previous site. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/by-site/mturk.com Find some way to work with it as it is, and I believe some of the features will come back later. Today's only the 2nd day.
  9. elt

    elt User

    an epic triumph of form over function
    they've turned it into an arms race
    instead of implementing a proper API like there is on the requesters side
    Amazonian crowing about how great it all is on their blog makes it doubly infuriating
    they have a years worth backlog of new workers, we are all expendable
  10. parro

    parro User

    We've all had dead-end jobs before, and we all have a choice here whether to go with the flow or quit. And as many people as possible should email A. Can't hurt.

    How do you the requ have a good API? Maybe they're screwed too
  11. elt

    elt User

    I signed up as a developer years ago but I haven't put much time into it
    you can get access to submit and get results back from a variety of languages
    anyone can read the API and design a web or other language app to communicate with it

    even a bad incomplete API would be better than nothing.
    on the worker side, all we have is the html page in which the details changes at a whim
    which is why scripts keep breaking, no doubt in some cases intentionally

    even though there is some casual communication between some scripters and amazon
    it's not a healthy relationship. especially since they can terminate your participation for any reason
    most scripts are not public, many are maintained because they are useful to the scripter as well.
    we are pretty lucky there are still people willing to put in the time and make their scripts public
    it's pretty much a thankless and largely unpaid job otherwise more would be happy to do it.
  12. parro

    parro User

    "anyone can read the API and design a web or other language app to communicate with it"

    not most people.

    It is thankless, but an awful lot of people have kept Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey running for years, to say nothing of extension authors.

    Have you done any scripts that we use?

    I'm willing to stay a while to see what happens. No one's banging on the door of a 71-year old to go work for them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2017
  13. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

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