Payment question-Turkers outside USA

Discussion in 'General' started by Samy, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Samy

    Samy Member

    What do you all do, just get amazon gift certificates?
    Is there another option if one does not have a US Account?

    I wish it was possible to transfer your $$ to a paypal account!
  2. sonica

    sonica User

    There has been a long debate on this topic. I dont' think Amazon will entertain our requests for paypal payments. Some time back I sent in some queries, they answered all except for the paypal one. No point in pursuing something which is impossible.
  3. Samy

    Samy Member

    Thanks sonica! So I am stuck with amazon gift vouchers for now.
  4. sonica

    sonica User

    I believe so. They issue checks for Indian workers. You could inquire about this and find out whether they can issue a check for you.
  5. vazrakar

    vazrakar User

    if you are an indian , you can request cheque from .

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