Can't Find Good HITs? 9/8

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by RWStein, Sep 8, 2012.

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  1. mamakayy

    mamakayy User

    Zoom out on your browser? I had a scrolly bar at the bottom, cutting off some of the bar (since my screen rez maxes out at 1280x800) once I zoomed out in my browser I had no problem.

    I'm up to 808 approved @ 98.9% thanks to these hits AND losing my 100 cap out today. They seem to be winding down though :( I still have 3 or 4 categories I haven't done any in if they pop back up though.
  2. Oh wow. He has over 80k of them tweet hits posted. I am so going to have my best weekend ever. Honestly.. I am debating not even sleeping and just trudging through to sunday night on them. This is now my fav requester. He approved $50+ worth already. I'll screen capture it. Ok here it is. Is it possible to fall in love with a requester? IDK but I am surely in love with these hits!! Eat em up while we got em everyone! Here is the link to the hits again for anyone just coming in to the forum.

    This is the link to the 1k+ approved hits one. Approval rate 99%+. Over 5k+ hits left.

    This is the link to the 5k+ approved hits one. Approval rate 98%+. Over 85k+ hits left.

  3. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    I wanna do these hits! I sent him a request and a message. He messaged me back but he still hasn't approved yet... :( I'm going to sleep! >.<
  4. edited....
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2012
  5. mattyay

    mattyay User

    Wish I could do those tweet hits.... Only at 900 approved.
  6. mamakayy

    mamakayy User

    2muchturkin, I'm really hoping those do stay for a little bit. I really want to do some. lol.

    *need 137 more hits*
  7. mamakayy

    mamakayy User

    Be careful with that. Did you email amazon? They could freeze both of them now. you are only ever supposed to have ONE account. EVER.
  8. mamakayy. whatever browser you are using you need to clear the cache and cookies and try again. That doesnt work switch browsers and try.
  9. Think it's time to start the 9/9 thread, eh?
  10. This guy with the tweet hits has changed his qualifications 3 times.. this time I am not qualified because I do not have 5k hits yet.. ugh,frustrating. I wish Oscar had a butt load of hits up right now so I could stack my numbers and kick ass on these tweet hits
  11. mamakayy

    mamakayy User

    Football chick, there are two groups of hits. One for 1k and one for 5k

    Also, I don't think there's much point to starting a 9/9 one. RW would probably start another as soon as he gets up anyway.
  12. Them hits are amazing. Got a 30$ jump on todays earnings already. Over 100k of them up right now! Gonna crash for a few hours and start tackling them again. Good luck to all picking away at them as I am. Cheers!
  13. mamakayy

    mamakayy User

    I'm still at it. Got 171 done so far while watching old Grey's episodes on netflix. I'd have MORE done, but I'm trying not to do too many since at this point too many rejections would kill my approval rating.
  14. iceblink

    iceblink User

    wow late to the party on these tweet HITs but I did $20 of them this morning and there's still 100k left..

    This is looking promising :D
  15. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Just FYI he raised the hit amount needed by lowered the approval rating to get more people qualified to do his work.
  16. chaos

    chaos User

    HOLY HELL. I'm going to work the shit out of those tweet HITs. 100,000+ available! Glad I got up semi-early so I can work on these for the next 4 hours or so before I go watch the NFL games.

    Also I just noticed that there are 360,000+ total HITs up on turk right now. That's the most I've seen on a Sunday, should probably go through and see if there are any other gems worth doing first, since I don't see these tweet ones running out anytime soon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2012
  17. dextux

    dextux User

    I'm still waiting for the qualification for the tweet hits!
  18. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    He will get to you hun. He is approving the request in batches. He has to sleep to sometime. LOL. I see you are knew, do you have over 5,000 hits approved?
  19. dextux

    dextux User

    I am close to 3,000 hits approved. I am hoping to have 5,000 approved hits soon! Only started last month and made over $300 already. I don't think that's bad for a newbie, per say.
  20. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Ah well the new hits he has put up are for those with over 5,000 but the smaller batch for yesterday is only 1,000 approved but above 99% rating. I hope you requested the right one. He will be on to approve the qualifications within a few hours I am sure.

    Btw: that is not bad for a newbie at all ;)
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