Bonus permission?

Discussion in 'General' started by andrewlong, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. andrewlong

    andrewlong Member

    I'm new to mturk as a requester, and I am having trouble giving bonuses. I need to give out a bonus of $80, and it says I do not have permission to do this. When I give out an $8 bonus, it works fine. I assume there must be some kind of maximum, or some kind of permission I must set in order to go above that maximum, but I am having a hard time getting information on doing so. Any solutions for me?
  2. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    An $80 bonus? Wow. Yes, there could be a limit set to prevent you from mistyping a large bonus. I do not know of any solutions. Someone else here may have some though. You could also post a task for the worker's ID for $80 and just approve it.
  3. sonica

    sonica User

    I don't think there are such limits on bonuses, because I know a requester paid bonuses as high as $100 recently. I got a $15 bonus some time back, so you can pay at least that much in one go. If you set a hit paying $80, chances are some other worker might accept and submit the same.

    You need to get in touch with Mturk for a solution to this problem.
  4. shebillah

    shebillah Member

    Yeah but according to Andy you can make a hit for a certain worker ID, so I think his solution would work.
  5. sonica

    sonica User

    Check this thread:

    This isn't the first time it has happened. I have seen hits where requesters plead to return the hit (and threaten to reject the hit), since it was meant for someone else and workers accepted it in the hope of getting a big payment.
  6. houdini

    houdini New Member

    I tried to submit a bonus and got the same message. (Sorry, it wasn't $80 :0 ) Anyway, the problem was (for me) I didn't have the $$ in my account. It is easy to run out that way because you tend to forget that all bonuses come out of your remaining balance and even if the $$ is there - it might all be frozen because you have HITS still available and you would need that amount to pay them. Hope this helps - I am a new requester.
  7. Tiger

    Tiger User

    That sounds like the obvious explanation.

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