Question about dolores labs HITS

Discussion in 'General' started by Stef Tan, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Stef Tan

    Stef Tan New Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I got the message on one of their HITS that I did all that I could on the task, and I guess that was their cap (it was at 225 assignments). My question is this: once the HIT expires and a new but the same HIT is uploaded, can I still do that HIT?

    thanks :)
  2. Atlongster

    Atlongster Active Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I've done a ton of work for Dolores Labs, sometimes just cause there aren't many other requestors with as much work. The answer to your question is yes, once the hit you've reached the limit on is finished and the requestor posts a new hit with the same name and the same everything else you will be able to complete it. Example, I do all the hits I can for a hit called "33 Search Queries", a few days later turkers finish the hits and the hit expires on its deadline. Three days after the deadline the requestor puts up the same "33 Search Queries", a new hit, a new hit number, a new deadline and I can do as many as the requestor allows for that hit.

    I hope that makes sense, I wanted to give an example because words can be kinda hard to understand when something is not just straight forward.

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