Need MTURK Poster Advice for a Newbie? "violent rants pseudo welcome :) "

Discussion in 'General' started by Jason Woodlee, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. Jason Woodlee

    Jason Woodlee New Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    We are trying to figure out the best way to get about 2000 people to contribute to the survey that fit the demographic. Parents with kids that use a sitter or sitters between 14-25yrs of age.

    I see the options as
    1. MTurk Alone
    2. Twitter "announcement"
    3. Twitter Spam
    4. Twitter ReTweet Purchase - (pay through mturk?)
    5. Facebook Announcement Purchase - (pay through mturk?)
    6. Pay for Spam (not a big fan)

    1. Which do you guys think is better of the above?

    2. Am I going to be able to get 1000 young "sitters" and 1000 parents of kids to qualify and take the survey?
    3. So whats a good price to attract people to qualify on mturk that fit my demographic ? .01, .05, .10?

    4. Would I be better off doing the survey through MTurk for .05 + have a sweepstakes to win an $500 gift certificate to apple (buy an ipod/iphone) as part of the participation

    5. I would think that for the mturk site i would tell people to go to the survey site and fill it out? How do we ensure they did it? Enter a confirmation code back into mturk?

    6. What if the survey site force you to log in with facebook? Would you run away?
    If the facebook enabled survey gave you an ability to post a short url on your status for additional chances to win - would you do that?

    If you think this sound evil.. let me know better to be flamed by you than spending the time working on it and being flamed by 1000's :)

    Has anyone participated in anything like this on MTURK?
  2. Atlongster

    Atlongster Active Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    You asked.


    1) MTurk alone, plus if you have a web site or any ability to communicate with people in a meaningful way. If you have a twitter feed it wouldn't hurt but I wouldn't rely on that as a primary method of transmission.

    2) Who knows, a lot of people use MTurk but there are no promises there. You kind of get what you get, thats why if you can get the world out via a website, newsletter or something with an organization that services those types of people and direct them to your hit would be a good idea.

    3) The more you pay the more attention you'll get, usually you'll also get better workers (like me I've done a bit over 5k hits (only been working since september) and I don't look at anything under .08 cents to make money and even then only if its easy as heck).

    4) Sweeps sound gimmicky and spammy, don't do that.

    5) Usually requestors use like Quadratics (sp?) or their own in-house software. Either one, sends you to an external site (via a link in the HIT), you complete the survey and are given a code and then you input that code into the HIT.

    6) Would I work any HIT and required me to login via Facebook? Heck no, FB is awful with privacy info and here I am giving you guys access to my account (on a base level at least). This will send more experienced Turkers running.

    Does this sound evil, not all, you guys are just trying to get a survey done. Just be careful because what you see as incentives (relatively cheap per HIT pay with a sweeps) are tactics often used by spammers and untrusty people on Turk. And its really better to avoid having the workers have to login to an additional website, just smacks of ID theft.

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