Returned Hits

Discussion in 'General' started by Anthony Turking, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. Anthony Turking

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Too often did I end up doing HITs and not realizing until they were accepted that I cannot complete them, already completed them, they seemed or were shady, or what not. My submitted rate is 94.8%

    What is a good percentage in order to qualify for the most possible HITs?

    This week, my plan is to do as many easy HITs regardless of the pay to try and get my Approval up to 98% (from 97.4%) which is not easy since it take (about) 60 approvals with a rejection to move it 0.1%.
  2. Nadiya Turker

    Aug 14, 2011
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    Hi Anthony

    Don't worry about Return Rate. No body will check that.

    And for almost all the good hits the minimum approval rate is 97%.

    Your planning is good. But when ever you are doing low bulk hits, there is a risk of rejection.

    Also be careful about cheaters. They will take your work with out making payment. So there can be a chance of bulk ....rejection.

    SO be careful. Concentrate on the quality of work. Approval rate will be increase automatically ...........
  3. Kingapp Sarath

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Bro I wud advice u to keep it above 85%....I saw some HITs requiring rejection rate less than 20%...
    Both those were high paying. Eventhough this happens rarely, keep an eye on the rate...

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