I have a 2 questions..

Discussion in 'General' started by soad, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. soad

    soad Member

    1) how many hit can you do a day? I did 100 one day and it asked me to try again tomorrow and i was not able to do anymore hits untill the next day. I assume I'm only aloud to do 100 a day but does this number eventually increase? if so, how?

    2)Does anyone know the exact criteria it takes to become a m-Turk master? I looked it up on amazons FAQ once and it was very vague on how to become a m-Turk master. I know you have to show exceptional accuracy..but I would like to know the stat threshold. what does a m-Turk mater stats look like? what exactly quality's you to be a mechanical Turk master?
  2. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    1) I don’t know the exact limit nor when it goes up, but my busiest day in the past 45 was in the mid 300s.

    2) AFAIK, they don’t tell you how to become a Master. FWIW, I have done over 60,000 HITs with a 99.5% approval rate, and I am not a Master. Personally, I think it’s a bogus qual.
  3. 1) I have a limit of 3700 HITS per day. I have around 80K completed HITS.

    2) As far as I can tell, you need a ridiculously low rejection rate. 99% and up.
  4. Jamie

    Jamie User

    There's a 100 hit a day limit for the first 2 weeks or so. It's a relatively new limit so a lot of people didn't have to deal with it as a newb. After that the limit per day is supposedly 3800 but I've never hit that so I can't say for sure, although I have seen screen shots.

    They are purposefully vague about how to get the Master Quals, I've seen people with only a couple thousand hits and an accuracy rating of 97% get it and people with 100,000 and 99.9% get it. There's at least one worker who has done over a million hits with an accuracy rate of 100% who doesn't have the Master Qual.
  5. mturkuser999

    mturkuser999 Member

    How do you even do 100 HITs a day? I tried spending a whole day doing HITs and the most I could do was around 50...
  6. soad

    soad Member

    Thank you Jamie. Your response was very helpful.

    mturkuser999 it's pretty easy for me to do 100 hits if I use mirflickr-block2
    You view pictures and judge whether or not tag for the image is acceptable and meets the requester criteria. It usually only takes me about 30 seconds a hit, Its not too uncommon to do 100 hits in under a hour..

    but the pay out for these hits are only a penny.. Its not the most high paying hit possible and some say not worth the effort or time. There is an incentive to do so if you inspire to be something called a "Mechanical Turk Master". With this status your able to do hits exclusive to M-Turk Masters and you get paid more. But from what I hear this status is very rare and nearly impossible to achieve.
  7. Jamie

    Jamie User

    You don't really get paid more by being a Master. Amazon charges more for access to the Master workers but that extra money doesn't go to the workers. There have been 2 groups of hits that have been worth doing. Mostly it's underpaid tasks being put out by newbie requesters who don't know their ass from their elbow. The only good thing about the Master qual is not having to enter captchas.
  8. soad

    soad Member

    Is that really it? So they get get more and we get nothing? I must admit I'm new at this myself and I don't know too much about the masters qualification, but I thought there's more to it than just the not having to enter captchas... I looked at the Worker Web Site FAQ and the only "perks" as they call them are:

    ♦ Exclusive access to work that requires a Master Qualification
    ♦ Access to a private forum available only to Masters

    So yeah, your right. They don't say anything about a bonus of any kind.. So the payment must be solely dependent on the generosity of the requester. Same as if you didn't have the master qualifications.

    The more I look at it, the more it looks like a title of status or admiration; The "MASTER".

    Become a Master turker so we can exploit your time in efforts for our own personal gain! It doesn't sound too appealing if they say it like that. :p

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