Finally some clarity

Discussion in 'General' started by samdcoolest, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. samdcoolest

    samdcoolest Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    I was trying to register with mturk but my request was rejected.So I mailed amazon for this and they replied that their new account review system was based on marketplace needs.

    And as you all know mturk allows only US requesters ,so majority of the HITs are US specific.So right know there is less need of international workers.That's why amazon is not accepting new international workers , not because Indians are ready to work for less wages and all that crap.

    And amazon people also said that they would contact me ,if they require me.

    So I suppose that in future if mturk goes international ,we'll be seeing fresh hiring again.mturk is a great platform and I think this will happen sooner or later.

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