I'm going to take a break so I can give the kids lunch. Hopefully, that settles them down so I can earn some more money in awhile.
WOW! Down to just over 115K HITs on mTurk! Getting real slim now... Down to just over 115k HITs on mTurk... People are weeding through the garbage! Ugh! Getting tight!
CONGRATS! I'm a little over $8 but been Turking on and off since about 7:30am... REAL slim pickings today! Was hoping to get to $25.
If I got to $25 in one day I think my boss might fire me for spending too little time paying attention to my real job. I have been at it since about 7 am MST.
Not bad at all... Problem I'm running into is a lot of the leads on the thread I had already done yesterday... But I'm still Turking!
Ugh keep running into blocked pages. Going to end up returning a ton today...keep getting a few small ammounts nothing too good though.
I thought it was very funny. Very different type of survey XD And thanks everyone for the hits. Only because of you guys I have made over 10 dollars