Can't Find Feisty HITs? 3/24 Twisted Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Mar 24, 2015.

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  1. oy16y

    oy16y User

    The new porn batch is so not worth it. Takes more than a minute to complete and way to much tranny porn for my liking. I can take the lesbian and even the gay stuff, but i don't think I'm old enough for the freaky stuff
  2. TurkingPimp

    TurkingPimp Banned

  3. TurkingPimp

    TurkingPimp Banned

  4. I never do the select images porn. Just the titles.
  5. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    This would work better.
  6. Trolls should be banned FOR LIFE
  7. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

  8. LiquidMist

    LiquidMist Banned

    I have never meditated in my life.

    Unless that's what you call reflection while showering.
  9. LiquidMist

    LiquidMist Banned

    He was.
  10. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    Somebody come play referit!!! :(
  11. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    Well I got a double tomorrow so I need to sleep. What an odd conversation to spring from an annoying flirting method. It... wasn't married women saying it.

    I see dudes doing the same thing to women all the time, although that interaction is more insidious.

    Anyway don't tell other people how their face should look unless you are a photographer or someone in a similar profession. And remember, if a waiter in a Russian restaurant smiles at you, you have made them very upset. Unless it is an American Russian restaurant. The service industry in Russia does not smile. Not even salespeople. It is my fourth favorite thing about Russia. After literature, vodka, and classical music.

  12. TurkingPimp

    TurkingPimp Banned

    Fine :D

  13. It's back? Oh heck yeah. I'll be right there.
  14. LiquidMist

    LiquidMist Banned

    I'm watching Man Vs Game on Twitch. He's playing Bloodborne.

    I don't have time for your ReferIt nonsense.
  15. TurkingPimp

    TurkingPimp Banned

    Bloodborne boring mediocre over hyped game immediately given 9/10 by paid for reviews :D
  16. Not the kind of task I'm good at at 2 a.m.
  17. TurkingPimp

    TurkingPimp Banned

  18. Is it just me, but Bloodborne reminds me of Dante's Inferno. I enjoyed playing Dante's Inferno. I'd their somewhat similar, I'm in.
  19. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    Next time on 'As The Penny Turns' will Lunar give up turking, except the occasional MyLikes? will LiquidMist win TOTM? will jenni3kat tell someone she loves them, without shooting them in the face?
    will cocobean open a BIG OL can of bitchface on someone? will Weezy return with gifts for everyone? tune in next time for these answers and more...
  20. Really? Boooo. I wanted to pick up a PS4. Mang, that sucks.
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