Can't Find Great Hits? 5/6 Waffle Pancakes Wednesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, May 6, 2015.

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  1. Masters is a way for AR-WA to unwind at the end of the day by reading our wild speculation and laughing.
  2. I will decide whether or not 2 venue's are the same as many times as it takes!
  3. I can't believe no one else but me can see the connection SMH. It's 100% true and it plays a big part in it I am 100% convinced.
  4. Faithers

    Faithers User

    I wish I could afford to take a long break to test this out but alas... I can't. Oh welllllll.
  5. Wow, thank you so much for that helpful reply. I hadn't read anything on this board prior to my post, so I had no idea of what the current conversation was. If anyone, anyone at all, can offer me something helpful, it would be much appreciated.

    So far, I'm inclined to believe the theory about people who haven't Turked in a while and slough the whole thing off as a bunch of b.s.
  6. Nooooooooooo
  7. Killwaukee

    Killwaukee User


    you know I can't quit you :(
  8. Gerd357

    Gerd357 User

    Somebody should simply hack amazon and see how they choose who gets the qual .
  9. SAJ

    SAJ Banned

    I bet Starbucks "bum " even has the email...but sadly you wouldn't let him check his email
  10. twirdman

    twirdman User

    I'm again just going the average master is probably slightly better then the average master, but it is minor at best and there are clearly many non masters much much better then some masters most likely a majority of masters. I mean look at sakuraiikeda how many masters do we figure are up to his level.
  11. Killwaukee

    Killwaukee User

    Test your theory.
  12. Post some more selfies first, though.
  13. Your still on that lol someone is pretty damn mad over my treatment of drunk bums. Take a deep breath man and move on with your life it's not that important.
  14. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Except as we've seen there are plenty of people who did take long breaks from mturk who do not have masters. Similarly a number of people who got masters every batch that has gone out since I've been here never took any sort of break.

    Sure it is the case that every batch some people who got masters had taken a break, but that is due to the cyclic nature of mturk with lots of people taking breaks all the time. Is it possible it has an effect sure I'll even go there is a decent enough chance at it. Is it a major role probably not.
  15. db42

    db42 User

    I stopped trusting Seeker when his motorcycle lizard pet disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
  16. I think it's proof that Amazon doesn't track activity.
  17. Some groups are simply more deserving than others.

    It's probably a good thing that certain groups are on the top.
  18. If I were on the Titanic I would deserve to be on the first lifeboat!
  19. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Also a good chance of this.

    I refuse to agree to this unless I get to be one of the groups that are more deserving then others and get to be on top.
  20. Honestly, there's not that much to know. Masters takes away your CAPTCHAs and gives you access to a lot more HITs. Like non-masters HITs, a lot of them are good, and a lot are bad. The biggest advantage (IMO) is just having more work available, plus there are semi-frequent extremely lucrative masters batches. I've also noticed there tend to be a decent amount of well paying surveys for masters too. It's easier to make more money, but you still usually have to grind-and of course it always helps to be on at the right time.

    I wouldn't bother with the masters Amazon forum-it's very very dead and not very helpful at all. I signed up just to check it out, but I think I've gone there twice.
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