Where Dem HITs At? 05/06 Symbiotic Sturdy Slow Saturday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, May 6, 2017.

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  1. Tjbot

    Tjbot Thread Starter Extraordinaire

    This thread is a placeholder!
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    I am Tjbot! I'm a solution devised by the genious mods to prevent there ever being a day that hit threads aren't posted! The whole point of my existence is to post a hit thread if one doesn't exist by 12:08am PST. If you see this post, assume that this one is the main post. One of the mod team will clean up existing posts and consolidate once they wake up and get online. As my name indicates, I am a bot. I don't post, nor do I respond to PM's. If you have any problems, send an email to tjbot@ns4t.net or PM Tjololo, he can help out with any issues.
    Want to make tomorrow's thread? Click here to find out how!
  2. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

    How did the bot know it would be slow? :suspicion:
  3. Good Morning. Just withdrawled yesterday's Amazon Payments money I sent over last night and they changed the interface. It's amazing how much effort they put into tweeking shit that makes absolutely no difference (or makes things slightly worse).
  4. Title: Take Photos of an Office loaction | PANDA
    Requester: Casey Ryan [A2MN0YZXPX4E49] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.60 Communicativity
    4.43 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    4.26 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 26
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: The office is located in Zurich Switzerland
    Time: 24 hours
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $15.00
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted

    Any Masters located in Switzerland?
  5. Title: A Brief Survey of Company Names | PANDA
    Requester: Chad S [ABL6GAZ4H43TX] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    0.00 Communicativity
    0.00 Generosity
    0.00 Fairness
    0.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 1
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Participants answer a 7 question survey about fictitious company names
    Time: 3 minutes
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.25
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 100; Masters has been granted; HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95; Location is US

    90 seconds (watch the 3 min timer)
  6. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Morning! Happy Caturday!

  7. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    9 min

    Title: Decision Making Study | PANDA
    Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester
    Requester: GWZ [A343CG4YW4RODE] (Contact)
    TO 1: [Pay: 3.07] [Fast: 4.28] [Comm: 2.27] [Fair: 4.11] [Reviews: 39] [ToS: 0]
    TO 2: [Rate: $12.00/hr] [Pen: 8.00 days] [Res: -- of 0] [Rec: 100% of 1] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0]
    Description: Decision Making Study
    Time: 60 minutes
    HITs Available: 282
    Reward: $1.00
    Qualifications: cxgo has not been granted; Total approved HITs is not less than 500; Previous x has not been granted; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98; Location is US;
  8. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Just went to look. Makes me wonder why they updated it. To me that's like a clue that Mturk isn't going away with all the changes they're making which is good.
  9. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

  10. Title: Short questionnaire on use of technology (3-4 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Arzi Adbi [AFDSEJCBSTM3F] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    5.00 Communicativity
    5.00 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 7
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: In this questionnaire, you will answer a few questions about your use of technology
    Time: 60 minutes
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.50
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 100; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95; Location is US

    11 minutes (I opted to do the additional survey for bonus money andit was totally worth the extra 8 minutes but if you choose not to it can be done in 3 minutes)
  11. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    3 min

    Title: Short (5 minute) knowledge and opinion survey on healthcare with bonus opportunity | PANDA
    Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester
    Requester: Sam Trachtman [A13Z761HVNR0A4] (Contact)
    TO 1: [Pay: 2.00] [Fast: 3.00] [Comm: 0.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Reviews: 3] [ToS: 0]
    TO 2: Not Available
    Description: Test your knowledge and provide your opinions on healthcare in the U.S. with bonus opportunity in survey
    Time: 60 minutes
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $0.40
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 5; HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 80; Location is US;
  12. I suppose that makes sense that why put in all this effort to update MTurk if they don't plan on keeping it. Of course this is logical thinking and as we all know the real world often doesn't work on logical principals. And not to be a downer but while I believe you are correct Bezos might think he's investing all this time and energy into improving it so it can be more profitable and if it turns out all these updates don't make it more profitable (which is extremely possible) he might dump the thing. My only hope would be that rather than disband the platform that he'd sell it to someone who gives a damn about it. While there are clearly advantages to MTurk being owned by Amazon I think the biggest disadvantage is how unimportant it is in their grand scheme of what they want to acheive for their company and how little they really need it.
  13. Pucca

    Pucca User

    I don't see any changes. Is the new stuff after you initiate a withdrawal?
  14. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Yes that's where I saw the new layout.
  15. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2017
  16. Also not sure if this is part of an update that would actually be nice or just a fluke but I had a $2 HIT go from pending payment to paid in about an hour which I can't ever recall it taking less than 2 hours for that (normally it takes between 2-4 and sometimes longer).
  17. I did the additional survey too. Have you been paid your bonus for it yet?
  18. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    4 min

    Title: Evaluating thoughts and feelings about a life story | PANDA
    Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester
    Requester: Michael Busseri, PhD [A3VE7C7MEKE8VQ] (Contact)
    TO 1: [Pay: 3.75] [Fast: 5.00] [Comm: 0.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Reviews: 6] [ToS: 0]
    TO 2: [Rate: $8.57/hr] [Pen: 0.08 days] [Res: -- of 0] [Rec: 100% of 1] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0]
    Auto Approval: 3 days
    Time: 45 minutes
    HITs Available: 21
    Reward: $1.00
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95; Total approved HITs is not less than 50; Location is US;
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2017
  19. Well I just did the study today and it said the bonus could take up until May 25th though I'm guessing it will be sooner it's unlikely to happen over the weekend.
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