Has anyone done the real estate tax hit for Jason A. Gross?

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Sik06, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. This requester is the tops.

    There was a batch maybe a week ago, and I did almost 200 of them. Then, day before yesterday, another batch of the same type of task. I was a good ten or 15 into the batch before I realized the "$" was already embedded into the HIT (unlike the previous batch), so I quickly sent a message to the requester, apologizing and promising never to do that again. Within ten minutes I received an email saying either with or without the "$" would be fine. Whew!

    There are some HITs that I will work until they're gone, and this requester is one of them. I could do them all day.
  2. Yup, can't thumbs up these enough. They fulfill my odd liking for property tax/assessor websites (I could spend hours on my local one) and are really easy once you get into a rhythm.

    justcolleen, do you put the commas in when you're entering the data? I have been, but I was wondering if that was necessary also. I was going to message the requester but I thought I'd ask in this thread first. The dollar sign change was a nice thing to see, and something I'd vaguely suggested/asked about in the comments section of the batch prior to this one.
  3. I do put the commas in because the input area of the HIT matches that of the web site, so I figgered it belongs there, too (like the "$").
  4. That was my assumption as well. I put something in the comments this past round asking if we need it, so maybe it'll be clarified in the instructions. It doesn't slow me down *that* much, but I love the feel of pure 10-key.
  5. Perhaps you can send him a message through a HIT and ask?

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