Can't Find Great HITs? 08/06 Friar Tuck Tuesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by lotkrotan, Aug 6, 2013.

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  1. I think it's from before the batch. There was a math hit you could only do one of (30 cent bonus) and a pick the photo hit you could only do one of (five cent bonus). I just got the bonus for the picture hit.
  2. Imortalee

    Imortalee User

    Its the single math questions to .30 and .5 ones
  3. CheapCity

    CheapCity User

    Telling me about the page monitor the other day changed my world, and now the "andaccept" trick I'd briefly heard of but had no idea how to do myself. Thanks for all the great tips for us who are still new to things!
  4. Imortalee

    Imortalee User

    Is there a way to get HitDatabase to actually display correct earnings?
  5. tewuj

    tewuj User

    Have you updated the Database?
  6. What do you mean correct?
  7. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    there's going to be a lotttt of email with the batch lol.
  8. lotkrotan

    lotkrotan A Space Man

    I know people like to focus on the gifs or qual envy or novelty accounts, but at its core, this forum is a community of turkers helping each other navigate the madness that is crowd sourced work. I learned some things on my own along the way, but most of what I know about turking came from other forum members, guides, or just general banter. I have no problem taking some time out here and there to help out the new users,.
  9. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Batch bonuses emails are starting to be sent!
  10. tewuj

    tewuj User

    I love this forum... Even all the idle chit chat is useful to me. It shows me who is working all day, the abilities of the people who are chatting, and it lets me know a lot about the requesters and that kind of people who are able to stay around a long time.
    P.S. I use your list a lot.
  11. Time for bed. I am now over 3600 submits. I'll be back in a few hours. Tomorrow is my short day as I work tomorrow night but I hope that I can make 200 hits. I have 25 now. I am going to get 5000 asap so for the next great batch I will be ready. May the batches come to you!
  12. [​IMG]
  13. "Finally, get some sleep and wake up at a decent hour. Most of the good work is posted between 8am-2pm EST with the exception of the occasional good batch or survey."

    This is the only piece of advice I disagree with here. Some people are never meant to be morning people, and no matter how much they try to sleep at "normal" hours it will never happen. They will be a zombie during some of those hours no matter how much sleep they've had, or, they'll drive themselves nuts trying to fall asleep earlier than their body wants them to. There's plenty of good work that's posted at other hours - I work from 10 a.m. to noon, then 1 p.m. to 5 or 6, and then 8:30 to 10 or 11 central. Without doing pagemonitor, using the hitdatabase, and not using the andaccept trick, I still make $20-40 a day. Now that I have my new system built I plan to play with Pagemonitor, but the andaccept trick still feels sleazy to me.

    That advice is always well-meant, but it's generally said by people who've never had the problem of being a true chronic insomniac. My body will just screw me and start getting wired again between 9 and 10 p.m. at night no matter what I do in terms of caffeine, etc. I'm lucky to fall asleep before 2 a.m. I've been that way since my early teens. Forcing your body to try and get up at times that is unnatural for it will just lead to you being groggy or doing poor-quality work because you're out of it. It's better to try and work your schedule around what's comfortable for your cycle, as long as you have that flexibility.

    I've even tried taking stuff in the past that's supposed to make me drowsy, and it never works when it's supposed to. If I took one around 11 p.m., it would kick in at about 4-5 a.m. and then I felt like I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. Or it never worked at all. Because of the unpredictable results, there's no way I was willing to take it earlier and risk zonking out before my daughter was asleep for the night.
  14. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Haha same here. I live on the west coast, and I don't sleep UNTIL 5 am my time, which is 8 am EST, and I wake up at noon PST / 3 pm EST. I still make do with a daily goal of 20, but if I'm lucky with batches, I'll get 30, maybe 40.

    I just don't get creative for some reason until it is around 2 am pst, so I don't really work on my games until then. But hey it works.
  15. tewuj

    tewuj User

    I think most of the good batches are actually posted after Noon PST anyways... I sleep until 2pm every day and have no issues getting in with batch hits.
    My sleep schedule is a combination of insomnia and a husband willing to get a job that works with my Insomnia... Hell even for school I don't usually have classes before 11...
    I see a lot of claims that all the good work is posted in the morning but I just don't see it.
  16. lotkrotan

    lotkrotan A Space Man

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2013
  17. Patryn

    Patryn Member

    I registered and threw aside my typical, lurking ways just to thank you for this awesome post.
  18. So on that credit card HIT, did you guys post your review on the site with an alternate Facebook account? Or just not submit it but you entered it in the mturk HIT? I don't see any recent reviews posted. I was able to snag that HIT somehow and I'm trying to figure out whether to make a fake account and do it, or just not worry about linking it and just submit the HIT with what I wrote, and hope they don't reject it because I didn't submit it on the CC site. Sigh.

    Thank you for the post with advice. I'm at like 140 approved with 120 more pending. I do most of my turking on my iPhone though... Time to break out the laptop.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2013
  19. djalex14

    djalex14 User

    I did it with my real account and I refused to post my review on my wall but I think I'm good.The review should be on the site.
  20. tewuj

    tewuj User

    What bank does everyone use? I have an old BOA account I ended up using because Amazon was giving me a hard time about my credit union account... I would complain except the pay goes in the next day when I use it.
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