Can't find Great HITS??? 11/15 Ferocious Friday (starring Turking Bear in new Avatar)

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by manzician, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. There is gotta be a way to do this which is just paypal and only the one who set it up knows. Hmmmm
  2. gofundme has no option for self interest. Fabio is disappoint. He wanted funding for a new hair line. It'd be called... Fabio!
  3. I'd like to think about it tomorrow, I have to meet with a professor at noon to discuss my paper but after that I'm just wokring on said paper all day and will need a break. Tonight I'm just taking a me night.
  4. cg1138

    cg1138 User

    Wow, not to take anything away from dolphin's plight but I wonder if I should check out the gofundme thing. I am in a pretty bad situation myself and am trying to go back to school. I know I can get assistance for school but my current predicament prevents me from even getting a job right now. I'm in a pretty good Catch 22.
  5. Gram

    Gram User

    If Dolphin has a paypal account, can't we just send money from our paypal account to him?
  6. It's worth at least taking a look at. Dolphin is having a short term crisis. You are stuck in a lousy situation that's hard to get out of. Definitely you should do it if you feel comfortable with it.
  7. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    I think I remember part of your story, and I think you could raise a decent amount of money. Just for example, I was looking at ones in my area, someone raised almost $2,000 because they're behind on credit card and medical bills, they need dental work, and a new used car. Blamed part of it on the stress from one of their parents passing. Divorce is also a big one.
  8. cg1138

    cg1138 User

    Comfortable with it? Like revealing details and stuff? If that's what you mean, I've learned not to have a problem with it at all. I've become a very open book lately.

    I do have a plan of getting out of this but it will take a very long time, and that's if things go according to plan which -- in my experience -- rarely happens.
  9. hatchy

    hatchy User

    Everyone needs help from time to time. My fiancee and myself are still digging ourselves out of a hole from over a year ago. We're still 2 months behind on our mortgage and other expenses because we tried to save the life of our cat. We spent somewhere in the vicinity of $3000 and all we did was buy him more time.

    Coincidentally, now one of our other cats is having a different issue around the time of year. Winter is a curse. In the last week, we've spent $500+ on surgery and other expenses for him. Since he has a feeding tube in right now, we also get the privilege of working our full-time jobs while waking up every 2 hours to feed him through a tube in his neck. I guess he still has it worse though.

    Jeesh, after reading that, I could save a lot of money by switching to hamsters.
  10. Yes, we could if he told us what his paypal email is. Or through Amazon Payments if he told us what that email is. I think he's thinking at $250 would be a pretty big amount to get from just this forum.
  11. That's exactly what I meant.
  12. cg1138

    cg1138 User

    Hummm..... Definitely got me thinking now. I was kind of hoping to pull myself up and out but I can admit easily that help would be great.
  13. I do have a paypal and I am desperate. I will repay anything in mid janurary (when i get my new stipend from school). Also would rather have amazon payments cause it goes directly into my account.
  14. Just remember there are plenty of organizations out there too that are willing to help with such things. My mom used to work for St. Vincent de Paul in my area, and part of her job was helping people get assistance with rent and utilities. That's not to say that online sources like the ones suggested here aren't viable, but those organizations are set up to provide that assistance and it's worth looking into as well, especially if some of those online methods require giving out all your information to a bunch of random people. At least with an organization, that information is being checked over by only a few people, and is treated as private (I wasn't even allowed to view the records at all when I was volunteering down there).
  15. Rielle

    Rielle User

    I wish I could just give you the amount you need. I totally would if I had it. I'm way behind on finances myself though, unfortunately, and I'm gonna need what I have to get home next month. :(
  16. hatchy

    hatchy User

    Let's face it. We're all turking because we are broke.

    Group hug in the shower?
  17. If anyone else is willing to donate even a couple of bucks, please pm me so I can give you my amazon email (it's my name so I'm not gonna publicly post it).

    I promise full repayment in Jan, plus I'll make a couple of fun easy hits for y'all.

    Please note this is really unlike me, and I'm already shameful that I have to even ask but I know I'm in desperation money both financially and emotionally.
  18. TurkeyTrot

    TurkeyTrot User

    As long as Fabio's there. and Bear's nails are trimmed.
  19. Ninja

    Ninja User

  20. Sent you $5.
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