Can't Find Amazing HITs? 7/19 Table Toss Saturday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Wiggles, Jul 19, 2014.

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  1. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  2. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Not at the beginning of the month tho

  3. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2014
  4. Most of these articles you can skim after reading a paragraph or two to the end, the gist of the article and whether the writer is reporting down the middle or lining somebody up to rip them is pretty clear early

    As I said they're meh but you can make them... okay

  5. Odd, not working. That never happens
  6. Binky

    Binky User

    Well I'm here because I'm too lazy to go anywhere else. And most of you people are pretty cool most of the time. We've all had a bad day or two though :p
  7. Killwaukee

    Killwaukee User

    Holy shit. Demonoid just came back online.
  8. communistosympatico

    communistosympatico Active Member

    lmao what, like anyone still remembers their login
  9. Killwaukee

    Killwaukee User

    I remembered mine...and the database is intact.
  10. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Oh yeah and thats what I'm doing but the article is taking a while to load and I hate just sitting there doing nothing. Might do them anyways since there is really nothing else to do.
  11. And if you're really desperate to do something there's always this guy, plenty to do because they're easy but the pay is shit and nobody touches them

    Title: Text Messaging
    Requester: HRI [A1PSQZCXJVPPAD] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.50 Communicativity
    2.97 Generosity
    4.55 Fairness
    4.47 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 42
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Imagine you are in the situation(s) below. Type a message that is as close as possible to a real SMS that you would send. Each HIT includes 5 scenarios
    Time: 4 minutes 59 seconds
    Reward: $0.02
    Qualifications: Location is US
  12. frood

    frood User

    Woah! I've missed the hell out of that place.
  13. Binky

    Binky User

    Did Dmitry post today? If not, he's been missing since Thursday afternoon when I tattled on him to his employer about him being a dookyhead.
  14. I will literally throw a parade in your honor if he never comes back
  15. Easy. Bullshit.
  16. Mrsjohn99

    Mrsjohn99 User

    Ha! Clearly. But WTF? Where's the drama coming from? I mean, I see that there is the "Andy is a douche" debate going on... But where did all the hate come from all of a sudden? Gheeezzzuuus!
  17. This isn't an easy issue and you're being very offensive for saying so. Much like cheeseburgers, being mad on the internet kills billions of people every day
  18. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    They came back a couple months back,I still remembered my login as well... :)
  19. Killwaukee

    Killwaukee User

    They just sent out an e-mail.
  20. sunioc

    sunioc Active Member

    they have been up for a while now but when i last logged in nothing was seeded anymore
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