Can't Find Amazing Hits? 11/09 Super Duper Sunday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. Faithers

    Faithers User

    No goal this week. Thank you 12.83 bonus. lol And thank you again Hatchy for your hit. It paid for one of my hospital meals :)

    Your HIT activity for this week:
    - Number of HITs submitted: 686

    Approvals and payments that occurred this week:
    - Number of HITs approved: 877
    - Number of HITs rejected: 1
    - Bonus reward earned: $12.83
    - HIT reward earned: $217.80
    - Total Amount earned this week: $230.63

    Onto a new week...

    Edit: I totally forgot that in addition to being at Children's Hospital from Thursday-Saturday, I also was at Children's that Monday for his 3 month visit so barely got any turking done that day.

    Not that it changes what I need at all, but it's always better I guess when you can look back and see that you weren't just being a lazy ass I guess lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
  2. egb+

    egb+ User

    Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    The following is a summary of activity for your Mechanical Turk account for the week ending Nov 08, 2014.

    Your HIT activity for this week:
    - Number of HITs submitted: 1,515

    Approvals and payments that occurred this week:
    - Number of HITs approved: 1,557
    - Number of HITs rejected: 0
    - Bonus reward earned: $2.94
    - HIT reward earned: $106.61
    - Total Amount earned this week: $109.55

    I don't even want to know how many hours it took me to make this, so I'll just call it practice.
  3. egb+

    egb+ User

  4. justjen

    justjen User

    reetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    The following is a summary of activity for your Mechanical Turk account for the week ending Nov 08, 2014.

    Your HIT activity for this week:
    - Number of HITs submitted: 1,082

    Approvals and payments that occurred this week:
    - Number of HITs approved: 1,055
    - Number of HITs rejected: 1
    - Bonus reward earned: $9.86
    - HIT reward earned: $99.83
    - Total Amount earned this week: $109.69
    Didn't meet my goal this week bit I'll take it I guess
  5. Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
  6. pyro

    pyro User


    Your HIT activity for this week:
    - Number of HITs submitted: 2,823

    Approvals and payments that occurred this week:
    - Number of HITs approved: 2,816
    - Number of HITs rejected: 0
    - Bonus reward earned: $1.75
    - HIT reward earned: $355.53
    - Total Amount earned this week: $357.28
  7. ^^^^edited above...they are .04 not .03 (every penny counts!)
  8. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    I made about what you made last week without those distractions. I certainly wouldn't consider this number being lazy!!!
  9. purple

    purple User

  10. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Apple chargers are so stupid expensive. :( I'm trying to buy a replacement one on Amazon and can't seem to feel comfy about any of the options. Our other macbook that my girls use works fine, as long as it's plugged in. The second you unplug it, it dies. It's not even the battery, the battery is fine. It's something else and I can't remember what it's called but it's expensive. But their charger died last week and it's kind of hard for them to do homework if they have to keep giving my charger back to me cause I need to work.

    So I get to pay out the ass for an Apple genuine charger or try to figure out what of the cheaper options is the best gamble. Stupid macbook chargers.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
  11. Kanna

    Kanna User

    Not bad, I only actually worked three days this week. The rest I did a survey then decided fuck it for the day.

    Also: Everyone, please message Andy if you know why Teari has left us. We are hemorrhaging members. It's not okay.
  12. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    Lot's of new people here. Can anyone write greasemonkey scripts?
  13. Kanna

    Kanna User

    What are you looking for? It might already exist.
  14. hatchy

    hatchy User

    Laziest week ever

    Your HIT activity for this week:
    - Number of HITs submitted: 2,135

    Approvals and payments that occurred this week:
    - Number of HITs approved: 2,125
    - Number of HITs rejected: 1
    - Bonus reward earned: $3.89
    - HIT reward earned: $95.04
    - Total Amount earned this week: $98.93
  15. pyro

    pyro User

    do this

    Title: Write a Poem
    Requester: Benjamin T Brown [A1UG9PLI44ILNS] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    0.00 Communicativity
    5.00 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 2
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Workers Write a Poems About Their Experience of Work for MTurk
    Time: 60 minutes
    Reward: $3.00
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted
    Hits available: 1
  16. Interview went well. Made it to the 4th and final stage yo
  17. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    It's not for mturk. I need to change the table column widths on a page. It should be simple but i'm clueless about javascript.
  18. Kanna

    Kanna User

    Tjololo scripts. He probably won't be on this weekend much, but you could probably PM him and rack his brain, I'm sure he knows of a script that will do it.
  19. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    Thanks I will contact Tjololo. That's who I was hoping to find. Everyone have a great day and hope some good HITs come around for you!
  20. B

    B User

    4 minutes

    Amazon has a platform to earn some money
    Unfortunately the skies aren't always so sunny

    Sometimes there is a plethora of work
    Other times you stare at the screen and feel like a jerk

    There is money to be had if you play your cards right
    And navigate the minefields that aren't always in plain sight

    Masters workers take home most of the bacon
    While the rest of the masses are often forsaken

    In the end you get whatever you put into it
    I'm addicted to turking this much I admit
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