Finding Great HITs 04/03 Trendy Topnotch Torrid Tuesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Apr 3, 2018.

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  1. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Posted again. Caught it this time. 25 min. :bubbly:

    Title: Leisure Experiences Survey (~ 40 minutes) | AcceptA
    Requester: Matthew Zawadzki - UC [A2FCC6J2XTTAH7] Contact
    TV: No Reviews
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: $5.00
    Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Available: 1
    Description: Our research hopes to learn more about the types of leisure people engage in and how it relates to their personalities and self-reported health.
    Requirements: Exc: [76618-76029] DoesNotExist; Location In US
    WowyGirl likes this.
  2. WowyGirl

    WowyGirl User

    Title: Workplace Scenario Study(~ 15 minutes) | AcceptA
    Requester: Frank Matthews [A1ODQTEISI4V1G] Contact
    TV: [Hrly: $21.66] [Pay: 5.00] [Fast: null] [Comm: null] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Blk: 0]
    TO: [Pay: 3.40] [Fast: 4.80] [Comm: 4.43] [Fair: 4.36] [Reviews: 105] [ToS: 0]
    TO2: [Hrly: $13.80] [Pen: ---] [Res: ---] [Rec: 50% of 2] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0]
    Duration: 1 hour
    Available: 45
    Description: 15 minute task asking you about a scenario that takes place in a company.
    Requirements: Exc: [1313265444-81538] DoesNotExist; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 70; TP Panel: 234912493 N GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100; Location In US
    Paleface, alk65 and Flora like this.
  3. WowyGirl

    WowyGirl User

    12m, already approved
    Flora likes this.
  4. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    MTS update! HIT export should be working now. :clap:
    Daiko and WowyGirl like this.
  5. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Title: Read an article and tell us your reaction | PANDA
    Requester: James Block [A1XHZ2PAMMSGI2] (Contact)
    TV: [Hrly: $13.40] [Pay: 4.25] [Fast: null] [Comm: null] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Blk: 0]
    TO: [Pay: 3.56] [Fast: 4.29] [Comm: 3.25] [Fair: 4.22] [Reviews: 47] [ToS: 0]
    No Reviews
    Reward: $0.10
    Duration: 1 hour
    Available: 923
    Description: Tell us how an article made you feel while you read it
    Requirements: HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location EqualTo US
  6. WowyGirl likes this.
  7. $5.15 here.
    And that's a typical morning for me.
    Mind Dagger and WowyGirl like this.
  8. WowyGirl

    WowyGirl User

    Title: Study of Personality and Interpersonal Interactions(~ 20 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Dr. Jayawickreme [A397W78P10F9Y6] (Req TV): N/A
    (TO): [Pay: N/A] [Fair: N/A] [Comm: N/A] [Fast: N/A]
    You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by researchers at Wake Forest University. The purpose of this research study is to learn about personality and how people think about their own personalities and interpersonal interactions. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire on your personality and behavior. The questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and you will be compensated $2.50 for your time. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the study coordinator, Dr. Eranda Jayawickreme at IRB #00022697
    Time: 1 hour(s)
    HITs Available: 56
    Reward: $2.50
    Exc: [80442-79853] DoesNotExist ; Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 500; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 98; Location In US;

    10m light writing
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
  9. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member


    Title: Coffee Shop World - Narrative Experiment | AcceptA
    Requester: Andre Oliveira Beukers [A2VWN95BKHWBS8] Contact
    TV: [Hrly: $11.57] [Pay: 4.00] [Fast: null] [Comm: null] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Blk: 0]
    No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: $6.00
    Duration: 2 days 4 hours
    Available: 1
    Description: You will read stories, a sentence at a time, and be asked to predict what happens next in the story.
    Requirements: HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location EqualTo US
    WowyGirl likes this.
  10. Today is good for me so far...Sunday was surprisingly good but yesterday blew for me. It was a struggle and I'm already over yesterday's total so I can't complain about today I suppose it's just lucking out and getting the right PandAs.
    WowyGirl likes this.
  11. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Smartphone survey. Not for me.
    Title: 7 minute study, REQUIRES SMARTPHONE | AcceptA
    Requester: Surveys [A3UZVHOLFVVAXW] Contact
    TV: [Hrly: $16.20] [Pay: 4.43] [Fast: 5.00] [Comm: null] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Blk: 0]
    TO: [Pay: 3.53] [Fast: 4.89] [Comm: 1.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Reviews: 48] [ToS: 0]
    TO2: [Hrly: $15.26] [Pen: ---] [Res: ---] [Rec: 100% of 3] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0]
    Duration: 1 hour
    Available: 4
    Description: -
    Requirements: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 1; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 90; Location EqualTo US
  12. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member


    Title: Read and complete sentences. | AcceptA
    Requester: Ben S [A3N86YPP2AJM76] Contact
    TV: No Reviews
    TO: [Pay: 5.00] [Fast: 5.00] [Comm: 5.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Reviews: 2] [ToS: 0]
    No Reviews
    Reward: $4.00
    Duration: 1 hour
    Available: 1
    Description: You will first read and agree to a research consent form and answer a few survey questions about yourself. Then, you will complete sentences with the final word missing. There are approximately 170 sentences to complete. We estimate this will take 25min.
    Requirements: Masters Exists; Location EqualTo US
    WowyGirl likes this.
  13. :wave: Hi Flora. Looking great today. :cat:
    Flora likes this.
  14. frood

    frood User

    What up, freaksticks? Worked through the night so I am getting a very late start. Hope the money flows like wine this afternoon! Failing that, I hope the wine flows like wine.

    Title: Answer a survey about your opinions | PANDA
    Requester: Lab for Social Research [AUIV2U68T1REV] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    ★★★★★ 3.17 Communicativity
    ★★★★★ 3.90 Generosity
    ★★★★ 4.78 Fairness
    ★★★★ 4.05 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 42 | TOS Flags: 0
    Submit a new TO review
    Description: ~15 minute study that pays $1.80 upon completion
    Time: 3600
    HITs Available: 31
    Reward: $1.80
    Qualifications: Qualification_Z DoesNotExist ;Already Participated DoesNotExist ;Qualification_80 EqualTo 3;HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 85;Location EqualTo US
    WowyGirl and Flora like this.
  15. frood

    frood User

    Mind Dagger likes this.
  16. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member


    Title: Classify the sentiment of Yelp Reviews | PANDA
    Requester: Nicholas Matthews [A1FLQRCGPRBFW4] (Contact)
    TV: No Reviews
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: $0.02
    Duration: 2 days
    Available: 2860
    Description: Read the sentence taken from a Yelp Review. Classify it as "positive," "negative," or neither. If the sentence expresses no sentiment, or both, or is unclear, it should be marked neither.
    Requirements: Masters Exists
    frood likes this.
  17. We want hammers!

    sek351 likes this.
  18. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    :hairpull: Why can't surveys let you UNCLICK a bubble! :headbang: Going to have to be forced to return it because I clicked a bubble I shouldn't have.
  19. frood

    frood User

    Is there not an updated version of the script that lets you do that? That one was a lifesaver for sure.
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