Tagasauris Mass rejection update

Discussion in 'General' started by rstokes, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. rstokes

    rstokes User

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Ok. I was mass rejected yesterday by Tagasauris. I previously had 100% acceptance from them, so I totally didn't expect this. 50 hits rejected... all of them.

    This has caused my first block and my acceptance rating to go from 99.1% to 97.9... this brings me below the 98% threshold and I am not able to pick from the better hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tagasauris responded last evening, I sent back my explanation, but so far no reply. Got the blocking letter from Amazon early today and I sent a response explaining my problem, but I don't expect much help there either. Now what... Guess I just have to wait it out. Also I figured out that I need to do about 5000 more hits to get my 99.1% back....

    I know that these Tagasauris hits didn't pay very much, but I enjoyed looking at the photos. I had even written to the guy in the past to get clarification on some of his unclear instructions so that I could do the hits better. I feel like an ass. All this over $1.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Some hits are really not worth it. Especially these. I guess all there is to do now is wait.
  2. Playa_hamm420

    Apr 21, 2012
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    All there is to do now is find another requester with bulk hits and get yer count back up. It happens to all of us.. I went from a 99.5% down to a 95% and back to a 99.3%

    Sitting around isnt gonna get you back up there. Find hits and start working Rejections are a part of mturk ya live ya learn ya keep on turkin!
  3. rstokes

    rstokes User

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Thanks Playa-hamm420 great words of wisdom.... I'm going to take the afternoon off. Too scared to add to the pile of rejections and my garden needs weeding.
  4. interneteditor

    Jul 6, 2012
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    Really sorry to hear this rstokes. Hope you get back to Turking when you're feeling fresh again. I'd be too bummed to work for a bit, I think.
  5. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Jul 14, 2012
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    If you ask me, 50 rejections is on the low end of the "mass rejection" spectrum. 50 is easy to recover from. 97% is not that bad. Stick to non-majority rules requesters for awhile. Or forever.

    Take a break when you get a batch of 500 rejections. That's a little harder to get over.
  6. caraw1

    caraw1 User

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Out of curiosity, which Tagasauris hit? Sorry that happened to you, I'm now keeping my fingers crossed on the pending ones. I did notice the instructions changed on several of their hits, maybe that was the issue?
  7. Scott

    Scott User

    Jun 12, 2012
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    I have 250+ rejections (240~) came from one - I am still trying to recover from. I was down to 85.5% now I am back up to 94.2% few hundred more hits to go to the 95% mark. 98% is a long road away.
  8. rstokes

    rstokes User

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Thanks so much for the support, I know it happens to all of us. As for 50 not being a mass rejection. I'm new at this and don't generally have over 50 hits to one requester. I've tried this method of keeping my rejection numbers down. The first week that I was doing Mturk I ran into a really rotten requester that made a mess out of my stats. Then I learned about this forum and the Turkopticon. If someone I'm not familiar with rejects 5 hits, no big deal. But this was a requester that I had done lots of work for and did not expect it. Good luck to you all in getting your ratings back.

    Now because of my lowered rating I can't even do all those Crowdsource .21 hits. They were great.
  9. interneteditor

    Jul 6, 2012
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    I'm with you rstokes -doesn't matter if it's 20 or 50 or 100 or more HITs the fact remains any mass rejection hurts, and more so when it's a requester you thought you were safe with. My biggest mass rejection so far is 2 and that felt bad for me!

    If you're new and you've done 1K hits, 50 rejections is a lot. I'd be extremely unhappy if it happened to me. (I bitch and moan about each individual rejection anyway!)

    I guess when we've been turking for several years we will look back and laugh at that first cute little mass rejection we got so upset about.
  10. angelface83

    Jul 26, 2012
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    I am sorry. I did just get around 5 rejections and it was a new requester so I was partially expecting it- Especially since the HITS were opinion based. Having 50 would have sent me reeling! I am still getting my rating back up from a few years ago before TO etc. I kept getting rejections almost on everything I did. There was no rating system them so you just kind of...jumped in and hoped for the best. I just started turking again recently and it is work to get your rating back. What is so odd is that so few can give you a bad rating- and it takes a ton to get it back up.

    Yes it is best to take a break. The only ones I trust not to reject me is Casting words and Speechink so far,lol! I know I am safe with them. Especially since they both have a support site all their own. And also a site just for showing their HIT's etc.

    Tagasurus has mostly good reviews but it is still under 50. When you trust one and then they burn you..that is just awful. Taking a break is a good idea. I would also stick with the ones like bootyB suggested- The non majority rules ones.

    That is what I generally do since I am still trying to get to 99 percent in my percentages.
    I also do ones with clear cut rules too. Like Catalog choice etc-Data entry and copy and paste- So sorry this happened!
  11. appuceles

    appuceles Active Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    lol...I slipped from 95 to 70% once....
    Dont panic..
    Forget this and continue your work..
    Now I'm at 98%...
  12. rstokes

    rstokes User

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Good news is that they undid the block. Bad news is that they are keeping the mass rejection. I've been turking away and have gotten my rating back up to 98%, but just barely. It's going to take a ton of work to get back up to 99%. In the rejections I got there were two that sat for three days un-catagorized. Today I see that they have been accepted, but the other ones were not reversed. I did get emails from Todd who is the "CEO" but he only justified their position. He sent me four examples which I explained to him below:

    Here is a clip of the last email I sent him:

    From your quote below (quote is from Todd's emil to me) "The scores you reference are not related to your performance on subject coding and not photo styles". I'm not sure what this means but I thought these issues are entirely what this whole mess is about. Previous to this group of hits I had a 100% acceptance rate from your company and the mass reject you sent has effected my total overall acceptance rate in a very negative manner. Some of the better paying requesters have a threshold of 98% acceptance rate for their hits and your mass rejection has pushed me below that level to 97.9%. Again from your email " Its about attention to detail." I disagree with this statement, I did pay very close attention to each of the photos and have even written to you in the past for further explanation of your categories. If I didn't have attention to detail why would I bother writing in the first place. I have looked at the photos that you attached (thank you for the clear examples) and I believe that you have a problem with your process. Are you aware that it is required to select at least one item from your list? Your list is not inclusive of all the styles of photos presented in your hits and in addition your definitions need to be more explicit. Bad work will continue to be a problem for you even after I have stopped doing your hits.

    Per attachment #1 there was one child in the foreground of the photo which seemed to be the focus of the photographer. Of the other selections you have listed which would you have chosen? It doesn't really fit any other category exactly, does it?

    Photo attachment #2 this was the garbage dump. I've worked in advertising and there was plenty of space in the area of the sky for copy, in addition I took the meaning of scenic to be artistic and there was a haunting beauty about all that garbage. Of the other selections you have listed which would you have chosen? It doesn't really fit any other category exactly, does it?

    #3 again the pile of building rubble or garbage.... need to make one selection to complete the hit I chose artistic interpretation of photo for scenic.... which of your choices would you have used? Not that easy is it when you have poor categories to choose from.

    As for the forth photo I have no explanation for that one. I don't even remember the photo and if you look at all the other work I have done for you, you will never see all boxes checked this must be some kind of computer glitch, but lets just call it "my bad" and reject it."

    OK, so now I've spent entirly tooo much time on Tagasauris and if you have read this so have you, sorry for the rant. One more thing to do and that is post my review on Turkopticon so that others will be aware of the situation and not be victims in the future. Back to turking and THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me know I'm not alone

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