Labor day for requesters

Discussion in 'General' started by Shego, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. Shego

    Shego User

    Feb 4, 2009
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    Hi gang;

    Today is an American holiday known as Labor Day--a day when people observe how far we've come in better working conditions and better pay. Naturally I wanted to make the most of it on Mturk.

    I have spent the better part of my morning sending the following message to those requesters who do not pay what the work for their HITS are worth:

    "Poorly paid labor is inefficient labor, the world over." --Henry George

    Happy Labor Day

    Smart man, that Henry. In any case one requester did email back to ask what a fair wage on his HITS would be and I told him. So I don't feel my time was wasted.

    I also commended a requester named "David K" for paying well. When you see a requester whose pay reflects a good wage on turk, please contact him--whether you do the HIT or not--and let him know you appreciate his pay scale. Positive reinforcement works wonders and you should all be taking a proactive stance in something that effects you personally.

    It would also be helpful if you would tactfully remind bad paying requesters that their hourly rate is worse than a Honduran sweat shop and that they might want to re-think their pay scale ;)

    I'm doing my part--and you all are reaping the rewards--whether you know it or not. but I could sure use some help! Change comes from within. WE are the "within" so if we don't make ourselves be heard, then WE are part of the problem!

    Have a great day and get something productive and positive done :)

  2. justfight

    justfight User

    Feb 1, 2009
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    I'm sure it wasn't, not yours at least.

    That surely would be helpful, a bit if not lots. Hope other turkers like you follow this path. As far as I'm concerned, I literally can't do it, because in that case, I'd have to analyze the pay rate of at least over 1,000 Requesters & then contact each one individually (mturk doesn't provide an option for sending one same message to multiple Requesters at a time :() & praise the fair paying Requesters & vice-a-versa. Actually, I've got to do some HITs now-a-days that absorbs pretty much of my time & energy plus I gotta see at least 2 movies a day these days as far as possible. I hardly get a few hours to sleep (it's past 3 am here right now & I don't think I'll get to sleep for a few hours till 9 in the morning) because of that. Hope you understand my position!!!

    Anyways, hope you & others will take good care of this.

    Thanks for enlightening me about this, at least I wasn't aware of it before you mentioned it here. BTW, I'll appreciate it even more if you can specifically point out what rewards are we, or at least I am reaping from it.

    Hope you get a lot more than you've expected.

    No, really? Because I've seen from within at least 3 months ago & I haven't observed much change in myself since then!!!

    I feel you missed a little, yet very important info there. You gotta edit it and specify excluding justfight right after the WE with their CAPS on.

    Okay, I just finished doing some of it. Hope you too get to do something good enough.



    I don't intend to offend anyone hereby, but if anyone is; then it's not my fault (if anyone feels that reading this can hurt their feelings, simply skip reading the white part [which I feel are more likely to be misinterpreted given my experience of my past few posts. Yet I can't say for sure whether the remaining portion of my post would offend or not someone else. No portion of my post is meant to offend anyone, but I put some parts in white because I felt that would be somewhat helpful] & enjoy THE DARK KNIGHT). I've just added my thoughts on this issue, which are unlikely to be liked (or likely to be disliked). My intentions, as always, are purely innocent, & those who find it to be otherwise are merely a victim of misinterpretation of my post. In that case, if someone is to be blamed; it's anybody but me. Hope I've made myself clear enough.
    #2 justfight, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2009
  3. Lainie

    Lainie Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Unfortunately, if people keep doing the work, they're going to continue to pay crappy. That's where we have to stick together - not doing the work.
  4. mturkuser

    mturkuser Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    True... I skip over those that offer only a few cents for hours of work.

    Sadly, with the unemployment rate as high as it is finding people to do cheap labor is not too challenging.

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