classify this hits not found

Discussion in 'General' started by Raj Kumar, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. Raj Kumar

    Raj Kumar New Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Hi everyone,

    I have been doing "classify this" hits nearly everyday for more than a year. Now for the past two days I have not seen any hits. I have signed up for alerts from Turkalert and whenever i receive an alert, i start turking. For the past two days, i receive alerts but when I am at mturk, i don't find any hits.

    I am not sure what's the reason behind this. I have done thousands of hits for classify this and my approval rate is 98.2%

    is anyone else facing the same problem?
  2. Anthony Turking

    Dec 2, 2011
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    I did many MANY of them - actually the total count was 127 and every single one of them was rejected and now I am blocked from their HITs.

    I hope there is a problem and they are fixing it! I, like you have done thousands of HITs for them in the past with only a rejection or 2 per days batch. Now, my approval rate is down in the 95% area and I cannot do many of the better HITs. Very frustrating. I sent them a message (hoping that this is a problem and they'll correct it).
  3. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    Dec 12, 2011
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    @ Raj Kumar

    Turkalert has been acting weird the past couple of days; they would send emails for Classify This after the HITs were all finished. I stumbled on the HITs by accident when they were up.

    @ Anthony Turking

    I have done 100-150 each day for the past several days; the most rejections I had was 4 on the 10th. I have been doing these for months with no problems. Recently there have been a lot of them from that Russian Одноклассники site.
  4. Willie22

    Willie22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Hi! New to this forum, I've been turking almost 3 months. Still on that learning curve (I guess I am a slow learner!). I found this forum because I was looking for information about these Classify This HITs. I just discovered them a few days ago (told you I was slow!). I am a little unclear on some of them. Some of the links seem to go to a private photo album or something. Is that a web page ? I probably have lots of other questions, and I hate to be a bother. But I was just thinking there might be more of an insight that I am not getting. If you all are doing as many as you say, you must get it for sure! And since it is one where others have to agree, what is the consensus on this? I have had about 4-5 rejections out of 100. That doesn't seem good and really hurt my stats!
    Sorry to be going on so...I'm just curious.
  5. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    Dec 12, 2011
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    I have contacted them in the past and asked for some sort of feedback as to which URLs I got incorrect - because you can't fix what is wrong until you know what is wrong. Without some feedback from Classify This, it's just a guessing game.

    They could at least put the URLs in the rejection message, so you could see which ones you missed.

    As for me, if it is a gallery or something like Imgur I mark it as a site - because they have all the criteria that CT asks for (content, navigation, site name in the header).

    The ones that trip a lot of people (I think) are the custom 404 pages that are in non-English languages.

    FWIW, I didn't do today's batch.

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