Requester Melanie (Categorize the audio track into music, speech or sound) - AVOID

Discussion in 'General' started by JuliaJolie, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. JuliaJolie

    JuliaJolie Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    This bitch wanted people to listen to audio tracks and click on music/speech/sound accordingly.

    Her instructions were scant, but specifically said "if you cannot choose music or speech, choose sound".

    A bunch of them had "sorry this track is no longer available". I emailed her about it, but the lazy cunt didn't respond. So I followed HER INSTRUCTIONS and marked them as "sound".

    I'm now seeing my Rejection Rate skyrocket because this fucking asshole wants to get out of paying and is too fucking lazy to read her emails.

    I am sick and fucking TIRED of Requesters not bothering to put contingency instructions on their HITs on the off-chance that maybe, just maybe, those people they paid $.000002 per sound clip to upload probably did a shitty fucking job in the first place, and WE get burned. :mad:

    Fuck her.
  2. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Oh this is bad. I too have 200+ hits pending and am eager to clear them off. I never do those transcriptions or other hits because scums like these have 100+ reasons to reject. Seen my approval plummet after another bitch gave me 5 rejections.

    Screw them!

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