Can't Find Fantastic Hits? Who cares? IT'S MONICA BIRTHDAY!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Weezy, May 5, 2014.

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  1. Monica

    Monica User

    AFK bumpin yayo
  2. Val

    Val User

    I think that the parent sitting your kid down for a talk with all involved was very appropriate. Seems like you're making a big deal out of the fact that your kid didn't want to have the sit down. However, what kid would?? It's important to talk things over like that and grow from it. Also, a kid who is afraid to talk to adults may be more likely not to stand up to them, if such a situation occurred involving inappropriate things as you mentioned.

    Ultimately, playing outside is for the best anyway, unless they get hit by a car, or kidnapped, or attacked by a mountain lion :)
  3. jTurker

    jTurker User

    Every single damn time, Walmart sends me emails about products after I do those OCMP hits. I guess I need to start logging out.
  4. [​IMG]
  5. Monica

    Monica User

    How would you feel if someone, in simple terms, told you your wants and comfort wasn't important and made you do something that made you feel vulnerable and trapped? Now imagine this person being an authority figure, and not just that, but someone bigger, stronger, and who you may not know very well.

    Its not making a big deal out of nothing. Its cementing her daughter's right to have her boundary respected which is something thats not taught to girls enough.
  6. merinissea

    merinissea User

    My major issue with the situation was not that they wanted them to sit down and all talk about it. It was that they did it without my knowledge or consent, and forced MY child to do so. If they had come to me and suggested it, it would have been a completely different situation, because it would not have been the neighbor and their kids, with my kid being all alone in a situation she already expressed that she did not want to be in.
  7. When I was 12 I slept over at my friend Ryan's house. His mom hated me because she thought I was a bad influence, even though I was an A student and a member of chess club and bowling club. Anyway we were all playing outside and ran back to his house. In the process we slammed the door open, and it hit the wall pretty hard. No damage was done though because there was a blocker on the wall where the handle hits. Despite the fact that there were 4 of us who ran through the door at the same time, I got the blame for the door slam. This (expletive) decided to chew me out for a good ten minutes, not just about the door but about how I was a bad influence. As soon as she was done I called my dad and told him I needed to get the hell out of dodge, because there was no chance I was going to sleep in this house. My dad picked me up about an hour later and that was the last I saw of Ryan. He moved a few months later and never told me. We were friends for 3 years. Fin.
  8. I got a story too. My wife died. I have three bear cubs. I ate ten tacos in LA and that was my descent into a crippling fast food addiction that I can't climb out of *SOBSSSS*
  9. [​IMG]

    I for one welcome our fast food overlords.
  10. Monica

    Monica User

    I saw a little girl that big a few days ago. She was sitting in the cart and the mom was waiting impatiently for the large dressing stall, which I was in with my stroller for the baby. Making small talk with her as done here in the south apparently (heaven forbid silence between strangers :O) she asked how old my oldest was. I told her he'd be turning three at the end of the month. She says "oh wow, same with my little girl!"


    I thought she was at least 8.
  11. I too welcome our massive children who will squish us with their massive weight. A new age is upon us! The age of super big man.
  12. ang0614

    ang0614 User

    My kids are the polar opposite of this, they are all small and very skinny. I get the letters home that tell me that I need to take them to the doctor to have them checked out for being underweight.
    Sadly it is a form letter that also has what to do if your child is overweight and proper nutrition suggestions.
  13. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Sonics and Dairy Queen <3
  14. I got this once for one of my kids and I went to teh FOREST SCHOOL adn told them TO **** OFF MY KID'S LIVESSSS while I was eating a bucket of chicken.
  15. I felt that movie was not realistic enough. I mean people are STILL BALDING IN THE FUTURE?!??! UGH! Get out.
  16. They're just too lazy to take the anti-balding drugs.
  17. Ursa Major

    Ursa Major User

  19. Sometimes I wonder how this forum would be without me. Would I be missed? Would life matter? WOULD THE FORUM BE NORMAL!?!! Life questions. Things that wont be answered. Mysteries of life.
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