Can't Find Great Hits? 6/30 SUPER TAX TALK SUNDAY!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by TurkingBear, Jun 30, 2013.

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  1. yancy

    yancy User

    For anyone who has been doing Crowdsurf transcriptions for awhile (I only started messing with them over the last week or two). Having your transcription qualification score go up is a good thing, right? I assume it is but with some of these bass-ackwards quals like the ones for ProductRNR one never quite knows.
  2. Not sure whether to go to sleep now, or try to stay up all night and all day..
  3. vex

    vex User

    I watched. Marvel is boring the shit out of me now unless it's Modok. I don't like Flash, **** it. :B

    AE was way more hype. Xian is a beast.

    But yeah, I'm in. I want to average 70 a day for the next 3 days.

    Join us. Welcome to the dark side.
  4. grunchy

    grunchy User

    I know I have already recommended QOTSA(Queens of The Stone Age) for turking music, but if that isn't necessarily your style, give Vampire Weekend a chance, Diane Young is their current big hit, but they have much more to offer, good mellow beach vibes, imo
  5. ubergrad

    ubergrad User

    Yeah, each time your qual increases means your transcription was rated as "perfect" - or errorless- by a reviewer.

  6. I'm so not being productive though. I'm watching the IT crowd and replying to comment replies on Reddit. Oh, and laughing at a gif of a bird that I've had up for at least an hour.
  7. Ursa Major

    Ursa Major User

    When things are slow does anyone else read the negative reviews on Turkopticon for amusement?
  8. personally this is my favorite gif lol
  9. vex

    vex User

    I wouldn't expect productive behavior from a USC fan. What type of fool do you think I am?
  10. zingy

    zingy Guest

    Yeah mondays are business days. Just like in the retail world where Mondays are the busiest, so is mturk.

  11. [​IMG]
  12. vex

    vex User

    Clowney is trash. CLOWNEY IS TRASH.*

    *Also, he's really good but let's be's Michigan, Michigan sucks.
  13. yancy

    yancy User

    Thanks o/

    Took me about 10 minutes to do this one earlier, but I was INCREDIBLY distracted - doing transcriptions, browser freezes, etc. For all I know it might take closer to 5. Good TO.
    Title: Answer a Survey about Today's Important Issues (fun, easy, about 10-12 minutes)
    Requester: SocialSurveyResearch [A30EJ5D6OWT3AH] (TO)
    Description: This survey asks a variety of questions about you and your feelings about current events
    Reward: $0.57
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 50, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2013

  14. But he's really ******* good. Also a really nice guy, but a little intimidating. ಠ_ಠ

    I just rewatched that game today. Is it football season yet?
  15. Something for you late nighters:

    Title: Evaluate the quality of audio clips and compare the speakers' identity.
    Requester: Sandesh Aryal [A2NCLWL3H027AB] (TO)
    Description: Listen to the audio clips and rate their quality. And, compare the speakers' similarity in pairs of audio played backward.
    Reward: $2.00
    Qualifications: Accent preception studies qualification is not less than 94, IRB Consent form for voice perception studies is not less than 50, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    Quals are insta-granted if you do them right. One was pretty difficult but I managed to pull of a 96. The HIT took me 15 minutes. He has another similar HIT up that uses the same quals but I only did one.

  16. No, but maybe I should!
  17. vex

    vex User

    Yes, he's really good...but so was Daquan Bowers in college. See how that worked out :B

    I can't wait for it to be NFL time :( soooooooo close.
  18. grunchy

    grunchy User

    Do i smell a MTF Fantasy Football league? 25$?
  19. vex

    vex User

    I'm down for up to $125 buy-in.

  20. I have no interest in pro at all. I'm a college football girl all the way!
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