Admin 0730???

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by moffett, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    I just gotta say, thank you Stlrfn...I so needed that smile you put on my face while I was reading through this thread. Haha.

    I'm lovin' this forum more and more!
  2. Where is a moderato? Oh wait, thats the other forum.
  3. Trantice

    Trantice User

    Wow what is happening in here?!
  4. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Lmfao... so true!

    You are welcome hun... glad I could make you smile.

    I didn't do it. I swear. [​IMG]
  5. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    I. am. SO. pissed. How the FUCK did I miss this?!
  6. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    And where is sweety? I could have some fun with that one... hahaha
  7. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    I thought about sending you a PM to alert you of the fun but I figured you would scare her away and my fun would be gone. LOL
  8. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    I must say I'm quite impressed! You reduced her to the repeat game -- I can't even get that!
  9. Bertha

    Bertha User

    You sound a little jumpy. I don't think that anyone here should be called an idiot. I've noticed that a lot of people on this forum, specially the recent newbies are very rude and disrespectful. WE ARE ALL HERE TO HELP EACH OTHER OUT. THERE IS NO NEED TO BE RUDE. CALM DOWN. I have noticed such a huge change in this forum in the last couple of weeks that it makes me wonder what some of the new members alternatives are.
    Have some respect.
  10. Bertha

    Bertha User

    One more thing, I posted the previous post without reading the entire thread but I'm so happy that we have Stlrfn and bootybitch as members on this forum. I have never felt safer. This was a fun read. I have to agree with jaroba07....I was pretty upset at the beginning of "sweeties" post but as I kept reading...I too had a smile on my face.
  11. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    You taught me to well master. LOL

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2012
  12. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Well I'm honored to be here sounding my scammer alarm as much as possible! I try to be as condescending as possible without crossing the immature line... it doesn't always work but I try :p But only to scammers and laziness and if someone has a valid argument I'll listen to it (keyword: valid). Not that mocking shit though. That's just silly.
  13. sweety811

    sweety811 Banned

    I am going to start a new account, so I don't have to deal with old losers like you guys, calling someone new to this forum a scammer when I was just stating my experience with a HIT
  14. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Okay... but.... "never underestimate my ability to find shit out"! Oh no... that is some other persons motto. LMFAO. Bye-bye.
  15. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    You know, not to start any crap or anything, but this morning I believe it was, I noticed a post in the intro section and my first thought was that it was this sweety person. LOL

    I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying that was my first thought...hahaha!
  16. Wow... this thread is still going lmfao. That oddball even had emailed me the other day telling me to stfu... seriously i thought most everyone knew what idts meant. Oh well. what can a guy do. sweety811 blow me... now you got a reason to rant
  17. Oh I almost forgot.. stlrfn <3 much love =]
  18. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Right back at ya hun! <3
  19. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

  20. Athena

    Athena User

    Every good forum need good, honest troll from time to time. It really creates a unified atmosphere of group solidarity.

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