Anyone else get blocked from Jeremy Bencken?

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by MT Chris, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. MT Chris

    MT Chris Member

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I got an email that I had been blocked by Jeremy Bencken and that my account could be suspended if there are more in the following months. It was the hit where you had to classify whether the page was an article or not. How many of these blocks until Amazon suspends your account? My approval rating is at 99.2% with 2100 submitted.

    I searched around and I have heard that three blocks are grounds for a suspension and that's why some people withdraw their earnings every week. If anyone has more insight on this, I would appreciate it. I just want to know if suspending accounts is a rare thing on Amazon's part.

    edit: Just looked at TO and there are a couple people who got hard blocked as well :(

    EDIT 2: The issue is resolved and I was able to get unblocked. Thanks for getting back to me Jeremy!
    #1 MT Chris, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2014
  2. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    Oct 23, 2013
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    sorry to here this. but i think there is nothing you can do. roumors say that you can have 3 hard-blocks within a few months till your account gets suspendend. but i have never heard if this is true.
    the best advise is to use TO and benefit from other Turkers experience and avoid requesters that use hard-blocks
  3. writtenjeremy

    writtenjeremy New Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Jeremy here.

    I just sent you an email, but I wanted to also respond here: I've removed the block and we apologize for using blocks to manage quality; we didn't realize it had such negative consequences for workers.

    The reason we blocked some workers was that we were reviewing workers who had completed a number of HITs that involved making a decision by majority vote, and we noticed some workers seemed "out of sync" more often than others (i.e. they had more disagreements with the other Turkers that normal). So we started blocking some of them, which is likely how you got blocked.

    Again, our apologies, we're going to look into alternative ways to refine the quality, and reserve blocks for more definitive violations of the HITs' guidelines.

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