Yay! I just noticed I got the "Expert Transcriber" badge at CastingWords Workshop. Upon checking my quals on mTurk, I see that I have CastingWords PPT Qual with value 96. Keep hanging in there, newbies! Eventually it does get easier and your efforts are rewarded. After a month or two doing a a couple of transcriptions each day, you'll have the style guide down cold. After several more months, you should have the "Rare Situations Supplement" pretty well memorized, as well, even without purposefully studying it. Just by seeing the same situations crop up and looking them up each time, you'll remember this stuff. Be sure to look at your feedback. The quality of the feedback varies, because many of the graders are just regular Turkers, but after a while, you'll get to know which graders know wtf they are talking about. And don't neglect to fire off an email to support@castingwords.com when necessary. It is rare that they take more than a day to address my concerns.
I've been working for CW on and off for six years and I've yet to break 94 PPT. Sometimes I think my auto-approvals are holding me back, but it's so nice to get paid within minutes of submitting work on the other hand. Congrats on the 96.
I don't think the system allows you to break 100 any more, but users who did before the restriction came in have their PPTs preserved.
A staff member told me the system still lets them rise about 100, just that it's done automatically by the system.
You can email them and politely ask them to raise your PPT so you can do expeditied hits. You can mention how many 9s in a row you have recieved. When there are a lot of EXP hits on the board, that's a good time. Also, ask right before Christmas. They might be in a holiday mood. They really don't have a lot to lose. If you mess up on one or two your PPT will slip backwards. But other than EXP as long as you are over 90 you can do good hits and make money.