Can't Find Awesome HITs? 10/19 Must Start Somewhere Monday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Oct 18, 2015.

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  1. Jessie

    Jessie User

  2. Jessie

    Jessie User

    These story tellers are fun. I can get them done in about 1:45 so the pay isn't too bad, either.
  3. Ivy31

    Ivy31 User

    Have you guys ever done them before?

    I did last time around (when they were posted for several days in a row). If you're actually writing something intelligent, you're fine. Some people are snarky/funny, some just tell a boring story. Either is fine, you just can't say a bunch of unrelated junk. I don't think anyone's ever been rejected.
  4. Storyteller only take about 30s each for me, but it's tough to do a bunch in a row because I get burned out pretty fast.
  5. Ivy31

    Ivy31 User

    I've got them down to 35 or 40 now. But I agree- I find myself drifting off more with these than other hits, which is annoying because the pay is great and there are a ton.
  6. uknome

    uknome User

    I wonder how many MLs I missed, wondering:
  7. Jessie

    Jessie User

    Wow, how are you guys doing them that fast? Do you have a script to hide the instructions our something?
  8. I just type really fast. Writing HITs are kinda my thing. Not sure how new you are to turking, but there was a requester named Riley S that used to post writing HITs and every time they posted, I'd make over a hundred that day on them.
  9. Jessie

    Jessie User

    I'm doing a nice mix of boring and snark. I had one that looked like a family reunion or something, and the picture was a woman laughing hysterically and a man looking on. I captioned it, "aunt June drank way too much beer and made a fool of herself."
  10. Jessie

    Jessie User

    I type pretty fast as well, but I probably spend more time than I should trying to come up with a good story.
  11. Ivy31

    Ivy31 User

    I had one with George W in it. Like a little gift from V2L.
  12. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Don't see the storytellers, they're gone?
  13. mt_turker

    mt_turker User

    Any old Alegion turkers know approximately how many HITs it takes to get considered for the qual?
  14. Title: [t-tinhua] Storyteller for Photos (Pick Photo Sequence and Tell!) (20151019)
    Requester: V2L [A2UIH3CID7L92X] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.20 Communicativity
    4.35 Generosity
    4.94 Fairness
    4.29 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 19
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: In this HIT, you are going to see: (1) an album of photos, and (2) two sequence of photos selected from the album. Your job is to pick the photo sequence that better describes the story in this photo album, and then write a sentence or a phrase for each photo to form a story.
    Time: 30 minutes
    Hits Available: 710
    Reward: $0.25
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 500; Location is one of: AU, CA, GB, NL, NZ, US; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95; Adult Content Qualification is 1
  15. Yourface

    Yourface User

    Title: [t-tinhua] Storyteller for Photos (Pick Photo Sequence and Tell!) (20151019)
    Requester: V2L [A2UIH3CID7L92X] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.20 Communicativity
    4.35 Generosity
    4.94 Fairness
    4.29 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 19
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: In this HIT, you are going to see: (1) an album of photos, and (2) two sequence of photos selected from the album. Your job is to pick the photo sequence that better describes the story in this photo album, and then write a sentence or a phrase for each photo to form a story.
    Time: 30 minutes
    Hits Available: 710
    Reward: $0.25
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 500; Location is one of: AU, CA, GB, NL, NZ, US; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95; Adult Content Qualification is 1
  16. Ivy31

    Ivy31 User

    Thta wasn't a qual posted earlier, was it? I think it was just a small unqualled batch (unless I was gone when something bonkers posted).

    When they did post a qual last year, it was very obvious. Kind of like mosaic's qual- lots of discussion, etc. about it.
  17. myopia

    myopia User

    I suppose the only good thing about captchas is they limit the damage if you get called away from the computer and forget to turn TM off.

    Lots of accepted and expired HITs... oops.
  18. Jessie

    Jessie User

    How long do story tellers usually take to approve?
  19. [video=youtube;H1pn4bTAQWA][/video]
  20. mt_turker

    mt_turker User

    I was under the impression it was. The batch got gobbled up so quick there was no time for discussion.

    They just reloaded a bunch of .15 hits right now.
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