Can't Find Awesome HITs? 10/22 Trumptastic Thursday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Lucas, Oct 22, 2015.

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  1. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    I think google is broken. All these mountain images have stopped loading for me.
  2. AJBBB

    AJBBB User

    While I'm not sure if userzoom uses flash, I do know that the issue in flash has been patched. I was having issues loading userzoom as well and I have flash installed.
  3. Still working here.
  4. mountains just got me to 150000 hits submitted.

    next milestone.
  5. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    Reload fixed it thankfully.

    Does an expiring hit count as a return in terms of locking out? I can't remember.
  6. 12223go

    12223go User

    Try going to the last one in your queue, sometimes when you are adding more they will open up and that will make the last one you added be the next one you can do.
  7. I want to say yes.
  8. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

  9. lol 20 mountains here as well. That was fun. Time to watch the 49ers decimate the seahawks
  10. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

  11. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    I don't like the 49ers but I'm always happy to root against the Seahawks
  12. Mountain is a lifesaver man.
  13. Stopped me at 20
  14. mt_turker

    mt_turker User

    they really should have made the cutoff 50 with that batch size.
  15. 100 would have been better.
  16. Pontiac

    Pontiac User

    i see you wch
  17. This is my post saying vote for me because I want to win.

    Thank you.
  18. TurkHunter

    TurkHunter User

    Mountains and Boatman, what a day!
  19. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Frogman, I think I might have found the scariest horror ever. Its a documentary, so it being real makes it even scarier. It's called "Jesus Camp" and you might want to leave your lights on.
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