Can't Find Glorious HITs? 8/01 TGI Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Wiggles, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

  2. This is why I despise voice acting in games. Not primarily because it's always awful (which is also true for every game series ever but Legacy of Kain), but because the pacing and overall experience is terrible if you are even remotely quick at reading.
  3. "m your cuz, Im your bruv, sometimes a dude you get me blud?

    Being silly, acting dizzy yeah im such a stupid mug"

    made me rofl for 2 minutes
  4. rickyson33

    rickyson33 User

    true,most of the time I go much faster than the voice acting if the game lets me and don't listen to it much because of that

    this game doesn't even have voice acting at all though(well a couple battle voices but nothing for the text I mean) so there's really no excuse at all for there not to at least be a text speed option :(
  5. Calebro

    Calebro Guest


    OK "MYLIKES" I think you are gettin' a little rough with the ladies :0
  6. frood

    frood User

    Yeah good point about the batches. But his stuff usually sits there so when there is nothing else, why not?
  7. Oh god, that's even worse. Fucking weebs. Thankfully most console RPGs have the sense to put in an 'instant on key press' option, but those that don't are pure cancer-infested aids.

    (Apologies to anyone who actually has cancer or aids.)
  8. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    How bad do you need the canned tomatoes? :)
  9. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Nature abhors a paradox, Raziel.
  10. I really, really wish Simon Templeman did more voice-acting. He could make the shittiest game transcendent.

    Tony Jay ain't bad either. Or, I should say, he wasn't bad. Rest in peace and all that.
  11. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    I really hope all these Peter Hsieh's I ahve done approve. xD
  12. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    There is a skip option in trails in the sky.
    Also the game is heavily based off chatting with other people. I personally love those kind of games. It gives a more open world compared to visual novels while making me feel like it's not some random generic NPC I'm talking to. At least based off what I seen.

    On another note, anyone want to make the thread for tomorrow?
  13. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    I just want more Kane.
  14. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Is Trails worth it? I've seen it on STEAM, but I haven't decided to buy it. (Also, if anyone wants to add me on Steam, my ID there is Tendrin also. :))
  15. [​IMG]




    Damn, I miss real C&C.
  16. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    I'm waiting for a sale to pick it up. Pretty busy making 2 games myself to commit to a detailed rpg like that at the moment.

    imo it is definitely worth the money if you like setting and rpgs with a lot of depth
  17. I like it when you make the thread. Just saiyan.
  18. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Honestly, if any game was primed for a reboot, It's the original Legacy of Kane. With all the time travelling nuttiness of the original, a rebooted Kane could be explained away as a result of elder Kane's time travelling adventures.

    Recapturing the Gothic, fatalistic attitude of the original, with updated graphics and gameplay, would be a great boost to a series that I feel has real untapped potential, if it could have a team behind it htat was capable of making the gameplay be about more than moving huge blocks around.
  19. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    When it comes to RPGs, I generally prefer western ones where I have a bit more control over my character than watching them go '...' a lot. ;p

    I'm not really big on pre-defined protagonists with their special chosen one destinies.

    Man, do I hate Chosen Ones as a general rule.
  20. Oh thank god, someone who remembers Blood Omen (Zelda gameplay's without Zelda's story was the best idea ever), and doesn't think Legacy of Kain was started by Soul Reaver and was chiefly entertaining because of the exciting block moving simulator.
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