Ahh, I see. In that case, you have to open up a different batch or HIT and do the captcha there, and return the HIT.
You can auto-refresh this link to auto-accept Lepper hits: https://www.mturk.com/mturk/previewandaccept?groupId=2QPDNVP3TVONG2D2LUP70EOZF1T03O
I went to go get a Lepper hit... 89 left... viewed it, 74 left.... click Accept.... none left. FML *sad panda*
I can't get my captchas in quick enough to make Matt Lepper's hits worth it. They're moving too fast.
Capitcha trick: Utilize the zoom on your browser. It will make it really obvious what it is, when it wouldn't be at normal size.
Someone else can explain it better than I can, but essentially a soft-block is something the requester will put on one to prevent them from doing specific tasks from them, whereas a hard-block prevents you from doing anything from the requester and is considered a strike against your account.
I just e-mailed them and got a response back - Kind of figured. Hard to tell sometimes whether a HIT is the same or not based on the title.
I got a captcha... Need to accept and return some other hit, otherwise I'll be typing in captchas on leppers for nothing forever.