Can't Find Good HITs? 1/23

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by naisybee, Jan 22, 2013.


How much did you make yesterday?

  1. $0 - $10

    63 vote(s)
  2. $10 - $20

    45 vote(s)
  3. $20 - $50

    41 vote(s)
  4. $50 - $100

    7 vote(s)
  5. $100+

    4 vote(s)
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  1. stevehous

    stevehous User

    Got about 300 Venue's in today. Do these venues not come in often?
  2. Valiant

    Valiant User

    Lately, they have been posting in small batches. Tonight was like the old days.

  3. stevehous

    stevehous User

    Thankfully I was able to snag that many! Helped me quite a bit on my journey to 2.5k HITs!
  4. BeerMe

    BeerMe User

    Holy crap! I just came out of a 2 day long Uverse outage...the light...the light is so bright!
  5. From one of Rubin's HIts,

    School Name: Washington State University
    Course Info: 工商管理专业

    I don't even.
  6. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    Someone mentioned having the flu a couple of days ago, and I think it was you. If so, this hasn't been your week, has it?
  7. Translated it means business administration. Still glad you got it and not me:wacko:
  8. I'm just sitting here doing a whole lot of Gerry Gorman hits. I will get to $50 today if it's the last thing I do. Personal best.
  9. mdacic

    mdacic Member

    Categorization of IS Research Articles ($6-$7/h)

    Categorization of IS Research Articles (1-3)

    Description: The goal of this experiment is to measure the reliability of the testers within the task of coding abstracts of scientific papers into given Categories and Research Methods.

    Keywords: categorization,research,information systems,literature,content,analysis,academic

    Qualification Requirement:
    HIT Approval Rate (%) for all Requesters' HITs greater than or equal to 95
    Categorization of IS Research Articles (1/2) greater than or equal to 50
    Categorization of IS Research Articles (2/2) greater than or equal to 50

    Number of Assignments per HIT: 10 (3 HITs in total)

    Reward per Assignment: $0.250

  10. MrRain

    MrRain User

    Being a student at WSU this is kind of funny since the university has being getting a lot more Chinese students.
  11. MandyB

    MandyB User

    Seriously? $%$^&%&*
    I hate HITs that compare to others....I just did 20 of them, I'll stop right away.
    It doesn't tell you in the HIT, did you have contact with the requester? I emailed him, what to do when an artist doesn't have Soundcloud, if N/A was acceptable. I think I tried one N/A, the rest I returned. I knew there was no TO, but I thought, how difficult can it be??
    But after the HITs from Rubin, I know that some people really submit shitty work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2013
  12. emerefer

    emerefer User

    what state are you working on?
  13. Jonathon

    Jonathon User

    How much can I bet that once I reach 1000 approved hits, all the good ones will be >5000 and then once I reach that mark, it will be back to 1000
  14. mike

    mike User

    Sounds logical.
  15. What state are you working on?

    EDIT: Just saw some one already asked.
  16. aphotic

    aphotic User

  17. New York, since it has the New York Bar search haha

    I've done hundreds of these today. Five more and I'll be at $50 for the day...
  18. emerefer

    emerefer User

    is that with the link they gave you for New York? ive tried about 50 of those and kept getting "your search returned no results"
  19. Yeah, I get a result like 99% of the time. Every once in a while I have to just google the person.

    And now that I've hit my goal, I'm off! Thanks for the help, guys
  20. marilynk

    marilynk User

    Is it ok to leave the notes section blank?
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