$0.60 Answer a survey about personal values https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=2HGWQIHPCGJ2KPUOG5WXP0JSPTI170 Almost perfect TO, 4 reviews, took me 10 minutes and 25 seconds to do.
Okay guys..off topic...but I found this and had to share...Ever hear of a Diva Cup? (ladies might know, if you don't google is your friend.) Here's a review! LOL http://imgur.com/a/6s2mR
Wow, I was in the shower when they started! But got in on the nick of time. Good way to start the day!
I haven't gone to bed yet, and I might just stay up and pull an all-nighter. It's just after 5am here, I've been watching The Simpsons and half-turking for about 3 hours, and already I'm at $12.59 for the day. I've had entire afternoons with less than that
Got 59 in. I was a little worried you all weren't active enough in the thread to take advantage of some early morning TL
i finally got some in now i'm working them 13 cent cf batches, first time it hasn't cut me off after 4 or 5