New day, more money! A few people said they make more money when I start the thread, soooo here it is! lol Good luck!
Matt Rubin Find the Official Course Name and Number $.30 Repeatable
Tim Edwards Find the email address for contacts included in this list $.10 Repeatable[/ur[/I]l]
I wanted to hit "thanks" but it's not there for me? What about you? EDIT: Never mind, after a refresh it was there
Sabrina Volpone Relationships with Co-Workers $.50
Behavioral Lab 2-Part Study $.50 plus $1.50 bonus for follow up *DO NOT TAKE THIS IF YOU HAVE TAKEN A 2 PART STUDY FROM US IN THE PAST MONTH*
efe Number of studies regarding marketing, psychology and consumer behavior $.50 (sorry no link, I already accepted it ) EDIT: Also, you have to write a few paragraphs and if you don't like that, don't accept. (took me about 7 minutes)
Every time Rubin posts those HITs up, I wonder how people even find the classes. They just don't exist. I just went through 10 HITs and nothing remotely close to those subjects exist.
MTResearch 10 minutes survey on your car usage $.50 *** This HIT is periodically re-posted. If you’ve already completed this HIT previously, please do not complete it a second time. You will not be compensated a second time. *** Took me about 7 minutes
When he first posted them I didn't have any trouble at all. Now I find myself returning more than I'm doing. I think that's all that's left, honestly.
Yep, I honestly don't think his HITs are worth doing because you'll spend a ton of time for a mere 30 cents. I'm off to bed now, have a good turkin', guys!
Crowdflower Help Us Compare Two Mobile Search Engines! (Smartphone Required) $.50 I've done this in the past and still have the app on my phone. It's quick and worth the pay. Just make sure you follow the directions exactly.
The Wharton School Please take this 2-4 min survey for $.50 $.50 I've done hits for them before, always been approved. Make sure you click the link and check if you can do it before accepting, so you don't have to return it.
Ashlee Humphreys Answer a Survey about News Reporting and Energy Issues $.50 *will update on time when I complete it *8.5 minutes and the survey was a little glitchy*
Ugh, the body wants to sleep but the mind is greedy and knows these medcrowds won't be here when I wake up. It's almost daylight though, I'm tapping out with a $12.90 headstart on the day.